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Cladonia subturgida (Cladoniaceae, Lecanoromycetes), an overlooked, but common species in the Mediterranean region
Symbiosis ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s13199-020-00688-7
Raquel Pino-Bodas , Elena Araujo , Blanca Gutiérrez-Larruga , Ana Rosa Burgaz

Cladonia subturgida is a Mediterranean species that has been overlooked. Apparently it was restricted to the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands. However, during the study of the genus Cladonia in the Mediterranean region, new populations from 44 localities were found in: south France, Sardinia, south Italian peninsula, Crete and continental Greece. Distribution models based on MaxEnt, GLM, GAM and MARS algorithms were used to estimate the potential distribution of C. subturgida. Sicily, Corsica and the north of Africa were regions with suitable climatic conditions for C. subturgida where it has not been reported yet. The climatic variables with greatest relative influence in the C. subturgida distribution were the Precipitation of Warmest Quarter and the Annual Precipitation. Additionally, the ITS rDNA region was used to study the genetic variation of this species across its distribution area. Eleven haplotypes were found, one of them widely distributed through its geographical range. AMOVA analyses indicated lack of geographical structure.


Cladonia subturgida(Cladoniaceae,Lecanoromycetes),一种在地中海地区被忽视但常见的物种

Cladonia subturgida是一种被忽视的地中海物种。显然,它仅限于伊比利亚半岛和加那利群岛。但是,在对地中海地区的克拉德尼亚属进行研究期间,发现了来自44个地区的新种群:法国南部,撒丁岛,意大利南部半岛,克里特岛和希腊大陆。使用基于MaxEnt,GLM,GAM和MARS算法的分布模型来估计枯草梭菌的潜在分布西西里岛,科西嘉岛和非洲北部是尚未被报道的C. subturgida气候条件适宜的地区。枯草梭菌相对影响最大的气候变量分布是最暖季的降水和年度降水。此外,ITS rDNA区域用于研究该物种在其分布区域的遗传变异。发现了11个单倍型,其中一种在其地理范围内广泛分布。AMOVA分析表明缺乏地理结构。
