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High occurrence rate of xanthomatosis and nephrocalcinosis in aquarium-housed Atlantic wolffish Anarhichas lupus and spotted wolffish A. minor.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-04 , DOI: 10.3354/dao03477
Karine Béland 1 , Emiko Wong , Jean-François St-Cyr , Stéphane Lair

ABSTRACT: The Atlantic wolffish (AW) and the spotted wolffish (SW) are long-lived fish found in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans and are respectively classified as special concern and threatened species, mainly due to fisheries bycatch. To better understand health issues associated with the care of these species in public aquaria, reports from all necropsies performed in 2 zoological institutions between 2009 and 2019 were reviewed (31 AW and 8 SW). These wolffish were fed with a similar fish-based diet and kept in multi-species exhibits with comparable environmental parameters. The most frequent necropsy findings were the presence of xanthomas (AW: 41.9%; SW: 75.0%), nephrocalcinosis (AW: 42.9%; SW: 75.0%) and urocystoliths (AW: 6.5%; SW: 62.5%). Xanthomas were mostly located at the base of pectoral fins and were characterized by extensive granulomatous inflammation centered on accumulations of partly mineralized degenerate fatty material, mainly composed of cholesterol crystals. Nephrocalcinosis was characterized by the deposition of calcium salts within the renal tubules and was commonly associated with tubular necrosis. The aquarium-housed wolffish were fed a coldwater fish-based diet. However, the natural diet of wolffish is composed mostly of invertebrates such as urchins and crustaceans. Differences in nutrient composition between these diets, such as lipid and mineral content, may have contributed to the development of xanthomatosis, nephrocalcinosis and urocystolithiasis in wolffish housed in these institutions.


在水族馆饲养的大西洋狼鱼Anarhichas lupus和斑点狼鱼A. minor中,黄瘤病和肾钙化病的发生率很高。

摘要:大西洋狼鱼(AW)和斑点狼鱼(SW)是在北大西洋和北冰洋发现的长寿鱼类,分别归为特别关注和受威胁物种,主要是由于渔业兼捕。为了更好地了解与在公共水族箱中照顾这些物种有关的健康问题,我们回顾了2009年至2019年在2个动物园机构进行的所有尸检报告(31 AW和8 SW)。这些狼鱼以相似的鱼类饮食为食,并被保存在具有可比环境参数的多种物种展品中。尸检最常见的结果是存在黄瘤(AW:41.9%; SW:75.0%),肾钙化病(AW:42.9%; SW:75.0%)和尿囊石(AW:6.5%; SW:62.5%)。Xanthomas主要位于胸鳍基部,其特征是广泛的肉芽肿性炎症,其集中在部分矿化的简并脂肪物质(主要由胆固醇晶体组成)的堆积上。肾钙化病的特征是钙盐在肾小管内沉积,通常与肾小管坏死有关。饲养在水族馆的狼鱼以冷水鱼为主食。但是,狼鱼的自然饮食主要由无脊椎动物(例如海胆和甲壳类动物)组成。这些饮食之间的营养成分差异(例如脂质和矿物质含量)可能导致这些机构中饲养的狼鱼发生黄褐斑病,肾钙化病和尿囊石症。