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Soil fertility status of abandoned fields in smallholder agriculture in South Central Zimbabwe
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2020.102896
Linda Mtali-Chafadza , Emmanuel Manzungu , Prisca H. Mugabe

In Zimbabwe, because of shortages of land, there is need to establish whether soil fertility improves over time in abandoned fields. A study was undertaken in 2015 to characterize fertility status of abandoned fields in smallholder farming areas located in Buhera and Hwedza districts in Zimbabwe. Abandoned fields were divided into four categories based on years of being abandoned (0–5, 6–10, 11–20 and ≥ 20 years) across two soil types and agroecological gradient made up of four regions (AER II to V) where annual rainfall decreases from AER II to V. Soil samples were analysed for pH, N, P and K using standard laboratory methods. A survey was conducted to determine adequacy of nutrient resources used. Soil nutrients did not significantly vary (p > 0.05) with period of abandonment but varied with soil type and agroecological regions. Clay soils and soils from AER V had significantly high N, P and K content. In terms of adequacy of nutrients across all the three factors, N and P content were below required recommendations for crop production whilst K was adequate and soil pH was too acidic. With regards to fertilizer use, majority of the farmers failed to purchase mineral fertilizers because their annual cash earnings were far below money required. As a result 91% of the farmers were failing to apply recommended fertilizers for sustainable yields. In conclusion, abandoned fields in Zimbabwe's communal areas do not restore soil fertility regardless of period to which a field has been abandoned, soil texture or agroecological region. The fertility of these abandoned soils remains poor and too low for crop growth. Farmers are financially unable to meet soil nutrient requirements to improve fertility of their abandoned soils. These findings are important in determining appropriate measures to restore soil fertility and in determining efficient land use policing and planning measures.



在津巴布韦,由于土地短缺,有必要确定废弃土地的土壤肥力是否会随着时间的推移而改善。2015年进行了一项研究,以描述位于津巴布韦布黑拉和赫德扎地区的小农户耕地中废弃土地的肥力状况。根据弃耕年限(0-5年,6-10年,11-20年和≥20年),在两种土壤类型和农业生态梯度的基础上,将废弃的田地分为四类,其中四个地区(AER II至V)组成,每年降雨从AER II降低到V。使用标准实验室方法分析土壤样品的pH,N,P和K。进行了一项调查以确定所使用的营养资源是否充足。弃耕期土壤养分变化不显着(p> 0.05),但随土壤类型和农业生态区域的变化而变化。粘土和来自AER V的土壤的N,P和K含量明显较高。就所有三个因素的养分充足而言,氮和磷的含量均低于作物生产所要求的建议,而钾充足且土壤酸度过高。关于肥料的使用,大多数农民未能购买矿物肥料,因为他们的年度现金收入远远低于所需的资金。结果,有91%的农民未能使用推荐的肥料来获得可持续的产量。总之,津巴布韦公共区域的废弃田地无法恢复土壤肥力,无论废弃田地的时期,土壤质地或农业生态区域如何。这些废弃土壤的肥力仍然很差,对作物的生长而言太低了。农民在经济上无法满足土壤养分需求,无法提高其废弃土壤的肥力。这些发现对于确定恢复土壤肥力的适当措施以及确定有效的土地使用监管和规划措施非常重要。
