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Mothers’ DASH diet adherence and food purchases after week-long episodic future thinking intervention
Appetite ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104757
Kelseanna Hollis-Hansen 1 , Jennifer Seidman 2 , Sara O'Donnell 2 , Leonard H Epstein 2

Prospection has helped participants forego the temptation to buy and eat higher calorie nutrient poor foods in favor of buying and eating fewer calories and healthier macronutrient profiles in laboratory tasks and brief field studies. This pilot study examines whether episodic future thinking (EFT) improves mothers' dietary behavior and food purchasing over a longer 7-10-day period. The study utilized a 2 × 2 factorial design with mothers (N = 60) randomized to EFT or standardized episodic thinking (SET) crossed with dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet education or a food safety education control. Participants listened to their cues (e.g., recordings of themselves imagining a future event or recalling a past episode) using a mobile ecological momentary intervention (EMI) tool and returned to complete a follow-up dietary recall and submit food receipts. Results showed diets of mothers in the EFT groups became more concordant with the DASH diet (ηp2 = 0.08, p < .05) than mothers in the SET group. When considering food purchases for the family, there was an EFT effect on milligrams of sodium purchased (ηp2 = 0.07, p < .05) and a trend towards a decrease in grams of fat purchased (ηp2 = 0.06, p = .06), however, these findings were no longer significant after correcting for multiple comparisons. There were no DASH education effects and no DASH by EFT interactions observed. The dietary intake and food purchasing results should be replicated in larger more representative samples.


在为期一周的未来思维干预后,母亲的 DASH 饮食依从性和食物购买

在实验室任务和简短的实地研究中,前景帮助参与者放弃购买和食用高热量营养缺乏食物的诱惑,转而购买和食用更少的卡路里和更健康的宏量营养素。这项试点研究检验了情景式未来思维 (EFT) 是否能在 7-10 天的较长时间内改善母亲的饮食行为和食物购买。该研究采用 2 × 2 析因设计,将母亲(N = 60)随机分配到 EFT 或标准化情景思维 (SET) 与饮食方法交叉以阻止高血压 (DASH) 饮食教育或食品安全教育控制。参与者听取了他们的提示(例如,自己想象未来事件或回忆过去事件的录音)使用移动生态瞬时干预 (EMI) 工具,然后返回以完成后续饮食召回并提交食品收据。结果显示,与 SET 组的母亲相比,EFT 组母亲的饮食与 DASH 饮食更加一致(ηp2 = 0.08,p < .05)。在考虑为家庭购买食物时,EFT 影响购买的钠毫克数 (ηp2 = 0.07, p < .05) 和购买脂肪克数减少的趋势 (ηp2 = 0.06, p = .06),然而,在校正多重比较后,这些发现不再重要。没有观察到 DASH 教育效果和 EFT 交互作用的 DASH。膳食摄入量和食品购买结果应在更大的更具代表性的样本中进行复制。