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Do changes in the residential location lead to changes in travel attitudes? A structural equation modeling approach
Transportation ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11116-020-10119-7
Jonas De Vos , Long Cheng , Frank Witlox

Numerous studies have found that travel attitudes might not only affect travel behavior, but also the residential location choice as people might choose a residential location based on their travel preferences and needs (i.e. transport-related residential self-selection). However, it might also be possible that the residential location and travel behavior influence attitudes towards travel. In this study—using quasi-longitudinal data—we analyze how a change in the residential environment affects attitudes towards specific modes, both directly and indirectly through changes in mode frequency (of commute and leisure trips). Using a structural equation modeling approach on 1650 recently relocated residents in the city of Ghent, Belgium, this study indicates that moving to a more urban type of neighborhood improves attitudes towards public transport and active travel. Especially for leisure trips the effects from changes in the built environment on attitudes are partly indirect through changes in mode frequency. This study offers new insights into the links between the built environment, travel behavior and attitudes. We provide further evidence that the built environment influences travel attitudes, but also indicate that these effects are partly mediated by travel mode frequency.



大量研究发现,出行态度不仅会影响出行行为,还会影响居住地选择,因为人们可能会根据自己的出行偏好和需求来选择居住地(即与交通相关的居住地自我选择)。然而,居住地点和旅行行为也可能影响人们对旅行的态度。在这项研究中——使用准纵向数据——我们分析了居住环境的变化如何通过模式频率的变化(通勤和休闲旅行)直接和间接地影响对特定模式的态度。对比利时根特市最近搬迁的 1650 名居民使用结构方程建模方法,这项研究表明,搬到更城市化的社区可以改善人们对公共交通和积极出行的态度。特别是对于休闲旅行,建筑环境变化对态度的影响部分是通过模式频率的变化间接产生的。这项研究为建筑环境、旅行行为和态度之间的联系提供了新的见解。我们提供了进一步的证据表明,建筑环境会影响出行态度,但也表明这些影响在一定程度上是由出行方式频率所调节的。