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Introgression of productivity enhancing traits, resistance to pod borer and Phytopthora stem blight from Cajanus scarabaeoides to cultivated pigeonpea.
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s12298-020-00827-w
Gurjeet Singh 1 , Inderjit Singh 1 , Gaurav Kumar Taggar 1 , Upasana Rani 1 , Pankaj Sharma 1 , Mamta Gupta 1 , Sarvjeet Singh 1

The study aimed at introgression of productivity enhancing traits and resistance to pod borer and Phytophthora stem blight from wild to cultivated pigeonpea through an inter-specific cross between Cajanus scarabaeoides (ICP 15683) and C. cajan (ICPL 20329). Progenies derived from the direct segregating (without backcross) population and backcross population were evaluated for yield and yield contributing traits namely fruiting branches and pods plant−1 and 100-seed weight. Introgressed progenies having higher fruiting branches, pods and yield plant−1 compared to the cultivated parent were identified in both populations. A few progenies with significantly shorter plant height, early flowering and early maturity as compared to both cultivated and wild parents were also recovered in both populations. Progenies from both the populations were identified with higher resistance to pod borer and Phytophthora stem blight. However, some introgressed progenies having lower seed weight and seeds per pod were also recovered. The promising progenies are currently being used in the breeding programme to develop cultivars with improved productivity and resistance to pod borer and Phytophthora stem blight.



该研究的目的是通过在金丝瓜(Cajanusscarabaeoides)(ICP 15683)和长毛隐孢子C. cajan)(ICPL 20329)之间进行种间杂交,提高生产力,增强对荚and和疫霉的抗性。对直接隔离(无回交)种群和回交种群衍生的后代进行了产量和产量贡献性状评估,即结果枝和豆荚植物-1和100种子重量。具有较高果枝,豆荚和高产植物-1的渗入后代在两个人群中都确定了与父母相比。与栽培和野生亲本相比,一些后代的株高,早期开花和早期成熟明显缩短。从两个种群中鉴定出的子代对豆荚bore和疫霉茎枯病具有较高的抗性。但是,还回收了一些具有较低种子重量和每个荚果种子的渗入后代。目前,有前途的后代正在育种计划中用于开发具有提高的生产力和对豆荚bore和疫霉茎枯病的抗性的品种。