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Special characteristics, reproductive, and clinical profile of women with unexplained infertility versus other causes of infertility: a comparative study.
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10815-020-01845-z
Charalampos Siristatidis 1, 2 , Abraham Pouliakis 3 , Theodoros N Sergentanis 4


To investigate whether women with unexplained infertility (UI) demonstrate different demographic and IVF characteristics compared to those with other causes of infertility.


Data on 245 couples that underwent a total of 413 IVF/ICSI cycles were analyzed (UI 114 cycles, 73 women; anovulation (PCO/PCOS) 83 cycles, 51 women; tubal factor 85 cycles, 47 women; male factor 131 cycles, 74 women). Features of UI were compared versus other infertility groups, after adjustment for multiple comparisons. Generalized least squares (GLS) and random-effects logistic regression analysis were also performed.


Live birth rates, consisting of the primary outcome, were similar in all compared infertility groups. Compared to male infertility, UI was associated with woman’s older age at cycle, lower body mass index (BMI), and higher follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Compared to tubal infertility, UI was linked to lower endometrial thickness at oocyte retrieval and lower BMI; compared to anovulatory infertility related to PCO/PCOS, UI was linked to woman’s older age, more frequent smoking, and poorer ovarian reserve tests (FSH and antral follicle count). After adjustment for other types of infertility, woman’s age, age at menarche, and FSH levels, anovulatory infertility presented with higher odds of clinical pregnancy compared to UI (adjusted OR = 2.13, 95% C: 1.01–4.52).


Infertile women with UI undergoing assisted reproduction demonstrate different demographic and clinical characteristics compared to those of other causes of infertility, albeit live birth rates are similar.




调查不明原因不孕 (UI) 的女性与其他不孕原因的女性相比,是否表现出不同的人口统计学和 IVF 特征。


分析了 245 对夫妇共进行了 413 个 IVF/ICSI 周期的数据(UI 114 个周期,73 个女性;无排卵 (PCO/PCOS) 83 个周期,51 个女性;输卵管因素 85 个周期,47 个女性;男性因素 131 个周期,74 个)女性)。在对多重比较进行调整后,将 UI 的特征与其他不孕症组进行比较。还进行了广义最小二乘法 (GLS) 和随机效应逻辑回归分析。


在所有比较的不孕症组中,活产率(包括主要结果)相似。与男性不育症相比,UI 与女性经期年龄较大、体重指数 (BMI) 较低和促卵泡激素 (FSH) 较高有关。与输卵管不孕相比,UI 与取卵时子宫内膜厚度降低和 BMI 降低有关;与 PCO/PCOS 相关的无排卵性不孕症相比,UI 与女性年龄较大、吸烟频率更高以及卵巢储备功能测试(FSH 和窦卵泡计数)较差有关。在调整其他类型的不孕症、女性年龄、初潮年龄和 FSH 水平后,与 UI 相比,无排卵性不孕症的临床妊娠几率更高(调整后的 OR = 2.13,95% C:1.01–4.52)。


尽管活产率相似,但接受辅助生殖的 UI 不孕妇女与其他不孕原因的不孕妇女相比,显示出不同的人口统计学和临床​​特征。
