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Genetic associations between stayability and longevity in commercial crossbred sows, and stayability in multiplier sows.
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-03 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skaa183
Bjarke G Poulsen 1, 2 , Bjarne Nielsen 1 , Tage Ostersen 1 , Ole F Christensen 2

Longevity in commercial sows is often selected for through stayability traits measured in purebred animals. However, this may not be justifiable because longevity and stayability may be subject to both GxE and GxG. This study tested the hypothesis that stayability to service after 1st parity is more strongly genetically correlated with longevity in commercial herds when stayability is measured in commercial herds rather than multiplier herds. The analysis was based on farrowing- and service- records from 470,824 sows (189,263 multiplier; 281,561 commercial) and 300 herds (156 multiplier; 144 commercial). Multiplier sows were either purebred Landrace or Yorkshire and commercial sows were mainly rotationally crossbreds between the two breeds. Commercial longevity was defined as age in days when culled (LongC), and stayability to service after first parity was defined for both commercial sows (StayC) and multiplier sows (StayM). The genetic correlations between LongC, StayC, and StayM were estimated by REML using linear mixed models. Genetic parameters were estimated separately for Landrace and Yorkshire. In Landrace, the genetic correlations between LongC and StayC, LongC and StayM, and StayC and StayM were 0.86±0.02, 0.24±0.05, and 0.34±0.06, respectively. In Yorkshire, the genetic correlations between LongC and StayC, LongC and StayM, and StayC and StayM were 0.81±0.03, 0.17±0.05, and 0.18±0.7, respectively. Conclusively, longevity in commercial herds is more strongly correlated with stayability when stayability is measured in commercial herds rather than multiplier herds.



通常通过在纯种动物中测量的可保持性来选择商业母猪的寿命。但是,这可能是不合理的,因为寿命和持久性可能同时受GxE和GxG的影响。这项研究测试的假设stayability 1售后服务ST如果在商品群中而不是在乘数群中测量可居住性,那么同等性在商品群中的寿命与遗传之间的相关性就更强。该分析基于470,824头母猪(189,263倍数; 281,561头商业)和300头牛群(156倍数; 144头商业)的分娩和服务记录。繁殖母猪是纯种长白猪或约克郡,商品母猪主要是两个品种之间的轮换杂交。商业寿命定义为被淘汰的日龄(LongC),商业母猪(StayC)和繁殖母猪(StayM)均定义为第一胎次后的服务寿命。使用线性混合模型通过REML估算LongC,StayC和StayM之间的遗传相关性。遗传参数是分别为长白和约克郡估计的。在长白中 LongC和StayC,LongC和StayM,StayC和StayM之间的遗传相关性分别为0.86±0.02、0.24±0.05和0.34±0.06。在约克郡,LongC和StayC,LongC和StayM,StayC和StayM之间的遗传相关性分别为0.81±0.03、0.17±0.05和0.18±0.7。结论是,当在商品群中而不是在乘数群中测量可居性时,在商品群中的寿命与可居住性更紧密相关。