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Numerical simulation of the fracture propagation of linear collaborative directional hydraulic fracturing controlled by pre-slotted guide and fracturing boreholes
Engineering Fracture Mechanics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107128
Weiyong Lu , Changchun He

Abstract Directional rock rupture is an important and common problem in the engineering of rock breaking. Directional rock rupture can be effectively achieved by linear collaborative directional hydraulic fracturing controlled via pre-slotted guide and fracturing boreholes. In this paper, the RFPA2D-Flow software is utilized to verify the experimental results of linear collaborative directional hydraulic fracturing controlled by pre-slotted guide and fracturing boreholes, and its basic law is studied. We find that: (1) By comparing with hydraulic fracturing controlled by a single pre-slotted fracturing borehole or by a pre-slotted fracturing borehole and guide boreholes without pre-slots, the linear collaborative directional hydraulic fracturing controlled by a pre-slotted guide and fracturing boreholes has a better effect and a larger directional expansion range. (2) The greater the length of the pre-existing slot, the more favourable the induction of directional expansion of the hydraulic fracture along the direction of pre-existing slot. (3) A smaller angle between the line connecting the borehole centres and the maximum principal stress and a smaller coefficient of horizontal stress difference correspond to a smaller deflection angle of hydraulic fracture propagation (i.e., the angle between hydraulic fracture propagation and the pre-existing slot), which is more conducive to directional expansion of the hydraulic fracture.



摘要 岩石定向破裂是破岩工程中一个重要而普遍的问题。通过预开槽导向和压裂钻孔控制的线性协同定向水力压裂可以有效实现岩石定向破裂。本文利用RFPA2D-Flow软件对预开槽导向和压裂钻孔控制的线性协同定向水力压裂实验结果进行验证,并研究其基本规律。我们发现: (1) 通过与单个预开缝压裂孔控制或预开缝压裂孔和无预开缝导向孔控制的水力压裂相比,预开槽导向和压裂钻孔控制的线性协同定向水力压裂效果更好,定向扩展范围更大。(2)预存缝长度越大,越有利于诱导水力裂缝沿预存缝方向定向扩张。(3) 钻孔中心连线与最大主应力的夹角越小,水平应力差系数越小,对应的水力裂缝扩展偏转角(即水力裂缝扩展与既有裂缝的夹角)越小。槽),更有利于水力裂缝的定向扩张。越有利于诱导水力裂缝沿预先存在的裂缝方向定向扩张。(3) 钻孔中心连线与最大主应力的夹角越小,水平应力差系数越小,对应的水力裂缝扩展偏转角(即水力裂缝扩展与既有裂缝的夹角)越小。槽),更有利于水力裂缝的定向扩张。越有利于诱导水力裂缝沿预先存在的裂缝方向定向扩张。(3) 钻孔中心连线与最大主应力的夹角越小,水平应力差系数越小,对应的水力裂缝扩展偏转角(即水力裂缝扩展与既有裂缝的夹角)越小。槽),更有利于水力裂缝的定向扩张。