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Main Territories in South Norway in the Mesolithic
Environmental Archaeology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1080/14614103.2020.1758992
Lotte Selsing 1

ABSTRACT The focus of this paper is on regionality, the use of main territories and how they are interlinked in the Mesolithic in south Norway during the culmination of the settlement of the mountain area, 8500–7600 cal BP. The main territories and their boundaries are identified by the distribution of specific lithic raw materials and one artefact type, distribution of ungulates and drainage systems. In the Mesolithic, south Norway corresponds to a language family with four dialectic tribes, each one corresponding to a main territory. Based on ethnographic analogies, the inegalitarian higher latitude boreal hunter-gatherer societies had delayed return. The subsistence strategy may have included the defence of resources which were plentiful, concentrated and predictable, with ownership of resource-rich locations such as salmon runs and quarries, while unreliable resources such as unpredictable ungulates may not have been defended. Storing may have resulted in a sedentary period during the yearly round close to resource-rich areas along rivers and coasts. The presence of a cemetery by the seashore at Hummervikholmen, indicates lineal descent groups, linking territories to funerary behaviour. Territorial lineages may have existed, with formal areas for disposal of the dead at least along resource-rich riversides and seashores. However, these may have been destroyed by erosion and other destruction processes. Lithic markers indicate that foragers from the four main territories maintained a network of links following the drainage systems and crossing the mountain area in the Central Main Territory, which was temporarily settled by people from the other main territories. Here, people from different directions could meet during the warm season hunting reindeer. In the river sources around the water divide areas, people may have had meeting places, exchanging information over large areas of south Norway. The activities at the meeting places were connected to a reindeer culture with long diasporic traditions reaching back to their origin at the lateglacial Continent. Reindeer are proposed to have had a central role in the grouping of the main territories.



摘要 本文的重点是区域性、主要领土的使用以及它们如何在挪威南部的中石器时代在 8500-7600 cal BP 山区定居达到顶峰期间相互关联。主要领土及其边界由特定石料原材料的分布和一种人工制品类型、有蹄类动物的分布和排水系统确定。在中石器时代,挪威南部对应于一个有四个辩证部落的语系,每个部落对应一个主要领土。根据人种学的类比,不平等的高纬度北方狩猎采集社会推迟了回归。生存战略可能包括保护丰富、集中和可预测的资源,拥有资源丰富的地点,如鲑鱼养殖场和采石场,而不可预测的有蹄类动物等不可靠的资源可能没有得到保护。储存可能导致在靠近河流和海岸资源丰富地区的一年中久坐不动。Hummervikholmen 海边墓地的存在表明了直系后裔群体,将领土与丧葬行为联系起来。领土血统可能已经存在,至少在资源丰富的河边和海岸沿线有正式的处理死者的区域。然而,这些可能已经被侵蚀和其他破坏过程破坏了。石器标记表明,来自四个主要领土的觅食者保持着一个连接网络,沿着排水系统穿过中央主要领土的山区,而其他主要领土的人则暂时在该地区定居。这里,在温暖的季节里,来自不同方向的人们可以相遇,狩猎驯鹿。在分水岭周围的河源中,人们可能有过聚会场所,在挪威南部的大片地区交换信息。聚会场所的活动与驯鹿文化有关,其悠久的侨民传统可以追溯到它们在晚冰期大陆的起源。驯鹿被提议在主要领土的分组中发挥核心作用。聚会场所的活动与驯鹿文化有关,其悠久的侨民传统可以追溯到它们在晚冰期大陆的起源。驯鹿被提议在主要领土的分组中发挥核心作用。聚会场所的活动与驯鹿文化有关,其悠久的侨民传统可以追溯到它们在晚冰期大陆的起源。驯鹿被提议在主要领土的分组中发挥核心作用。