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Using the SMG scheme to study the Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth in solids
Computers & Fluids ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104603
Gabi Luttwak

Abstract Rayleigh-Taylor instability RTI occurs while a less dense fluid is accelerating a denser one Rayleigh (1883); Taylor (1950)[1,2]. Under gravity the material strength damps and prevents RTI formation in solids. However, at higher accelerations RTI will prevail. The Staggered Mesh Godunov (SMG) scheme for Lagrangian Luttwak and Falcovitz (2006)[3] and ALE Luttwak and Falcovitz (2005)[4] hydrodynamics is applied to study the effect of yield strength on the RTI growth. A test problem is set up which extends for solids a well-known test for RTI growth in fluids Loubere et al. (2010)[5]. The SMG scheme employs frame-invariant slope limiters. The convex hull based VIP limiter Luttwak and Falcovitz (2011); Luttwak and Falcovitz (2010)[6,7] is used for vectors and oriented Bounding Box based limiter Luttwak (2015)[8] for the stress tensor. This way, we prevent numerical effects of symmetry breaking to interfere, while following the RTI growth.


使用 SMG 方案研究固体中的瑞利-泰勒不稳定性增长

摘要 Rayleigh-Taylor 不稳定性 RTI 在密度较小的流体加速密度较大的流体时发生。 Rayleigh (1883);泰勒 (1950) [1,2]。在重力作用下,材料强度会减弱并防止固体中的 RTI 形成。然而,在更高的加速度下,RTI 将占上风。Lagrangian Luttwak 和 Falcovitz (2006)[3] 的交错网格 Godunov (SMG) 方案和 ALE Luttwak 和 Falcovitz (2005)[4] 流体动力学用于研究屈服强度对 RTI 增长的影响。建立了一个测试问题,它扩展了固体中众所周知的流体中 RTI 增长的测试 Loubere 等人。(2010)[5]。SMG 方案采用帧不变斜率限制器。基于凸包的 VIP 限制器 Luttwak 和 Falcovitz (2011);Luttwak 和 Falcovitz (2010)[6,7] 用于向量和基于定向边界框的限制器 Luttwak (2015)[8] 用于应力张量。