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Decision making in honeybees: a time to live, a time to die?
Insectes Sociaux ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00040-020-00759-4
J. O. Schmidt

Honeybees that sting vertebrate predators embed and leave their stingers in the flesh of the stung animal and die shortly thereafter. To determine whether bees make life-or-death decisions based upon risk–benefit evaluations, the vigor of defenses of colonies that had a small loss potential versus those that have large loss potential was compared. Colonies 3–4 days old have small reserves, and thus, risk fewer reserves to lose to a potential predator. In contrast, colonies 19–22 days old risk large quantities of vulnerable immature brood, constructed wax comb, nectar/honey, and pollen and have limited future reproductive potential if their nest is abandoned. As predicted by a risk–benefit hypothesis, older colonies with much at risk sent proportionately larger percentages of stinging defenders to confront threats than younger colonies with less to lose. The percentage of defenders that issue from the 19–22-day-old colonies correlated with the population of workers within the colonies. The percentage of workers that attack strongly increased as the weight of colony-fixed resources within the combs increased. In queenless colonies having no potential to reproduce by swarming and little, or no, reserves of nectar or pollen, only a small percentage of workers defended the colony. These results provide support for the ability of defending honeybee workers to make life-or-death decisions based on evaluating risks of colony loss versus the benefit derived from their personal loss of life.



刺痛脊椎动物捕食者的蜜蜂将它们的毒刺嵌入并留在被刺动物的肉中,并在此后不久死亡。为了确定蜜蜂是否根据风险收益评估做出生死攸关的决定,比较了具有较小损失潜力的群体与具有较大损失潜力的群体的防御活力。3-4 天大的菌落储备量很小,因此,失去给潜在捕食者的储备量较少。相比之下,19-22 天龄的蜂群会面临大量脆弱的未成熟育雏、人工蜂巢、花蜜/蜂蜜和花粉的风险,如果它们的巢穴被遗弃,未来的繁殖潜力将有限。正如风险收益假设所预测的那样,与损失较小的年轻殖民地相比,处于危险之中的老殖民地派出了更大比例的顽固防御者来应对威胁。从 19-22 天大的殖民地发出的防御者的百分比与殖民地内的工人人口相关。随着蜂巢内固定资源的重量增加,攻击工人的百分比急剧增加。在没有蜂群繁殖潜力且几乎没有或没有花蜜或花粉储备的无蜂蜂群中,只有一小部分工蜂保护蜂群。这些结果为保护蜜蜂工人做出生死决定的能力提供了支持,这些决定基于评估群体损失的风险与他们个人生命损失带来的收益。从 19-22 天大的殖民地发出的防御者的百分比与殖民地内的工人人口相关。随着蜂巢内固定资源的重量增加,攻击工人的百分比急剧增加。在没有蜂群繁殖潜力且几乎没有或没有花蜜或花粉储备的无蜂蜂群中,只有一小部分工蜂保护蜂群。这些结果为保护蜜蜂工人做出生死决定的能力提供了支持,这些决定基于评估群体损失的风险与他们个人生命损失带来的收益。从 19-22 天大的殖民地发出的防御者的百分比与殖民地内的工人人口相关。随着蜂巢内固定资源的重量增加,攻击工人的百分比急剧增加。在没有蜂群繁殖潜力且几乎没有或没有花蜜或花粉储备的无蜂蜂群中,只有一小部分工蜂保护蜂群。这些结果为保护蜜蜂工人做出生死决定的能力提供了支持,这些决定基于评估群体损失的风险与他们个人生命损失带来的收益。在没有蜂群繁殖潜力且几乎没有或没有花蜜或花粉储备的无蜂蜂群中,只有一小部分工蜂保护蜂群。这些结果为保护蜜蜂工人做出生死决定的能力提供了支持,这些决定基于评估群体损失的风险与他们个人生命损失带来的收益。在没有蜂群繁殖潜力且几乎没有或没有花蜜或花粉储备的无蜂蜂群中,只有一小部分工蜂保护蜂群。这些结果为保护蜜蜂工人做出生死决定的能力提供了支持,这些决定基于评估群体损失的风险与他们个人生命损失带来的收益。