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Dynamics of Prolactin Axis Genes in the Brain of Male and Female Three-spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus (Gasterostaidae) during Short-Term Freshwater Adaptation
Journal of Ichthyology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1134/s0032945220020150
N. S. Pavlova , T. V. Neretina , O. V. Smirnova


Expression of prolactin axis genes (prolactin Prl1, prolactin-like hormone Prl2, prolactin receptor “a” PrlRa, and prolactin receptor “b” PrlRb) have been studied in the brains of females and males of the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus upon adaptation to fresh water. The expression of the Prl1 gene in females was significantly higher after 24-h adaptation to the freshwater relative to the control group (seawater) and to that in males at the same time point. No changes in Prl2 gene expression in females and Prl1 in males were detected. In males, after 12 and 18 h of adaptation to fresh water, higher expression of the Prl2 gene was observed relative to the control group. The expression of the PrlRa gene in males in seawater is higher than that in females; upon adaptation to fresh water, it does not change in females, and it decreases in males gradually after 3 h of being transferred to fresh water. No differences in the expression of the PrlRb gene between females and males in seawater were detected; however, after 24 h of freshwater adaptation, this parameter was higher in females than in males. Changes in the expression of prolactin axis elements during freshwater adaptation are gender-dependent, and the contribution of prolactin and prolactin-like hormone to adaptation of females and males of the three-spined stickleback to fresh water is significantly different.




研究了适应性三刺背腹背G的雌性和雄性大脑中催乳素轴基因(催乳素Prl1,催乳素样激素Prl2,催乳素受体“ a” PrlRa和催乳素受体“ b” PrlRb)的表达。到淡水。相对于对照组(海水)和男性,Prl1基因在适应淡水24小时后的表达明显高于对照组(同时在男性)。在没有改变PRL2基因表达的女性和PRL1检测男性。在男性中,在适应淡水12和18小时后,相对于对照组,Prl2基因的表达更高。的表达海水中雄性的PrlRa基因高于雌性;适应淡水后,雌性动物没有变化,转移到淡水中3小时后,雄性动物逐渐减少。海水中雌雄之间的PrlRb基因表达没有差异。然而,在适应淡水24小时后,女性的这一参数高于男性。淡水适应过程中催乳素轴元素表达的变化是性别依赖性的,催乳素和催乳素样激素对三梭stick的雌性和雄性适应淡水的贡献显着不同。