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Numerical Study of the Feasibility of Runaway Electron Generation in an Emerging Cathode Layer of a Self-Sustained High-Pressure Space Discharge
Technical Physics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s106378422005014x
V. V. Lisenkov


The formation of the cathode layer of a self-sustained high-pressure space discharge with preliminary ionization of a gas medium, excited by nano- and subnanosecond voltage pulses, is calculated. It is shown that, at pressures of ~1 atm, at the final stage of cathode layer formation, conditions for runaway electron generation are created. Runaway electrons from the electric field amplification region in front of the leading edge of a plasma (streamer) channel, originating from the top of the cathode micronib, is considered. It is shown that, at pressures of ~10 atm, conditions are created for the runaway of electrons immediately after their emission from the top of the micronib in its amplification zone; the runaway electrons thus obtained, in turn, can create preliminary ionization of the gas medium and ensure the formation of the initial phase of space discharge in systems without illumination.




计算了通过纳秒和亚纳秒电压脉冲激发的气体介质的预电离而形成的自持式高压空间放电阴极层的形成。结果表明,在〜1 atm的压力下,在阴极层形成的最后阶段,为电子失控的产生创造了条件。考虑到来自阴极微尖端顶部的等离子(流光)通道前缘的电场放大区域中的电子失控。结果表明,在〜10 atm的压力下,在从放大区域中的微尖端顶部发射电子后,立即为电子的失控创造了条件。这样获得的失控电子又