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Neurobehavioral effects of alcohol in overcrowded male adolescent rats.
Neuroscience Letters ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135084
Fatma M Sabry 1 , Michael K Ibrahim 1 , M Raouf Hamed 1 , Helmy M Sayed Ahmed 2

Being a critical neurodevelopmental stage that is affected by social conditions, the period of adolescence was chosen as the age of examining possible modification of alcohol neurobehavioral effects by overcrowding. Adolescent male rats (postnatal day35 ± 1) were subjected to overcrowding and / or injected with ethanol, 2 g/ kg, 20% w/v, (i.p.) for one week. 24 hours after the last dose, motor, exploratory behavior, sociability and fear responses were assessed using open field, social interaction and defensive probe burying tests, respectively. Wet brain tissue nitric oxide and reduced glutathione contents as well as monoamine levels, namely dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, in addition to 5-HIAA were estimated. Overcrowding increased social play and freezing time. Alcohol administration under overcrowding condition impaired sociability and interfered with active fear response. Alcohol in normal or in under overcrowding condition, impaired motor and exploratory behavior and increased anxiety. These results indicate that concomitant exposure of male adolescent rats to overcrowding and alcohol induced adverse behavioral changes.



作为受社会条件影响的关键神经发育阶段,青春期被选为研究过度拥挤可能引起的酒精神经行为影响改变的年龄。青春期雄性大鼠(产后第35±1天)过度拥挤和/或注射2 g / kg,20%w / v(ip)的乙醇一周。最后一次给药后24小时,分别使用开放视野,社交互动和防御性掩埋测试评估运动,探索行为,社交能力和恐惧反应。除5-HIAA以外,还估计脑组织氧化氮湿润,谷胱甘肽含量降低以及单胺水平(即多巴胺,去甲肾上腺素和血清素)降低。人满为患增加了社交活动和冻结时间。在人满为患的情况下饮酒会损害社交能力,并会干扰积极的恐惧反应。正常或过度拥挤情况下的酒精,运动和探索行为受损以及焦虑增加。这些结果表明,雄性青春期大鼠同时过度拥挤和酗酒会引起不良的行为变化。
