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Revision of the Early Cretaceous genus Paraspiticeras Kilian, 1910 (Ancyloceratoidea, Ammonoidea)
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2019.06.006
Evgeny Yu. Baraboshkin , Irina A. Mikhailova

A study of heteromorph ammonoids from the Hauterivian – Barremian succession of the south-western Crimea, has prompted revision the genus Paraspiticeras Kilian. The results suggest that Paraspiticeras was probably descended from the early Hauterivian heteromorph Crioceratites by recoiling of the spiral. Its taxonomic position as representative of Subfamily Paraspiticeratinae Vermeulen, 2009 of Family Emericiceratidae Vermeulen, 2004 of Superfamily Ancyloceratoidea Gill, 1871 seems to be reasonable. The genus can be split into 3 subgenera: P. (Paraspiticeras) s.s., P. (Blascoceras) and Paraspiticeras (Lepinayceras). The absence of the descendants of Paraspiticeras in the late Barremian makes impossible to consider it as the direct ancestor of the Aptian Douvilleiceratoidea.


修订早白垩世属Paraspiticeras Kilian,1910年(Ancyloceratoidea,Ammonoidea)

对西南克里米亚的上特韦季-巴雷米亚演替过程中的异形态类人动物类动物的研究促使修订了Paraspiticeras Kilian属。结果表明,副螺旋体可能是通过螺旋的反冲而从早期的Hauterivian异型变石Creoceratites衍生而来的。它在分类学上的代表地位是作为亚家族副伞形亚目Vermeulen,亚家族Emericiceratidae Vermeulen,2009,超家族Ancyloceratoidea Gill,2004年的代表,1871。属可分为3个亚属:体育Paraspiticeras)ss,体育Blascoceras)和ParaspiticerasLepinayceras))。Barremian晚期没有Paraspiticeras的后代,因此无法将其视为Aptian Douvilleiceratoidea的直接祖先。
