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Put strong limits on all proposed theories so far assessing electrostatic propulsion: Does a charged high-voltage capacitor produce thrust?
Journal of Electrostatics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2020.103477
M. Tajmar , T. Schreiber

Abstract Several claims appeared in the literature that a charged high-voltage capacitor produces thrust. This dates back to the so-called Biefeld-Brown effect that was later explained as a Corona-wind effect. However, part of the claim was that the capacitor still moves even if no ionization takes place and a dielectric is used. Recently, theories appeared supporting such an electrostatic propulsion-scheme. Here we describe an experimental-setup allowing to measure weight changes/forces of capacitors up to 10 kV, eliminating important side-effects from high-voltages down to±0.3 mg. No force was detected for a variety of configurations ruling out most theories by many orders of magnitude.



摘要 文献中出现了几种说法,即带电的高压电容器会产生推力。这可以追溯到所谓的 Biefeld-Brown 效应,后来被解释为电晕风效应。然而,部分主张是即使没有发生电离并且使用电介质,电容器仍然会移动。最近,出现了支持这种静电推进方案的理论。在这里,我们描述了一种实验装置,可以测量高达 10 kV 的电容器的重量变化/力,消除低至 ±0.3 mg 的高压带来的重要副作用。对于排除了许多数量级的大多数理论的各种配置,没有检测到力。