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Residential electric lighting use during daytime: A field study in Swedish multi-dwelling buildings
Building and Environment ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106977
Iason Bournas , Marie-Claude Dubois

Abstract This paper evaluates the effect of room function and orientation on daytime electric lighting use in dwellings, and the confounding role of room design aspects. A questionnaire survey was conducted in six multi-dwelling buildings including 75 apartments located in Malmo, Sweden (Latitude: 55.6 °N). Occupants were asked how often they use electric lighting during daylight hours, in three rooms of different functions, namely the kitchen, the living room and the bedroom. In a preliminary step, the behavior of occupants regarding electric lighting use was evaluated, to test whether design and orientation can affect switch-on behavior or whether it is random and unpredictable. In the next step, statistical analysis was performed to verify whether there is a relation between daytime electric lighting and room function, room orientation or both. Results indicate that electric lighting use did not vary significantly among occupants living in rooms of similar geometry, especially when living in West-oriented rooms. With respect to room function, overall it was shown that daytime electric lighting use was more frequent in kitchens. However, the study showed that electric lighting use in kitchens is associated with specific design features and not with room function per se. With respect to orientation, a consistent finding was that West-facing rooms use electric lighting less frequently compared to rooms of other orientations, and significantly less frequently compared to East-facing rooms, which can be explained by diurnal occupancy patterns characterizing residential spaces. The implications of the findings on daylight design criteria for residences are discussed.



摘要 本文评估了房间功能和朝向对住宅日间电照明使用的影响,以及房间设计方面的混杂作用。在位于瑞典马尔默(北纬 55.6°)的六栋多住宅建筑中进行了问卷调查,其中包括 75 套公寓。居住者被问及他们在白天使用电灯的频率,在三个不同功能的房间,即厨房、客厅和卧室。在初步步骤中,评估了居住者在使用电灯方面的行为,以测试设计和方向是否会影响开启行为,或者它是否是随机和不可预测的。在下一步中,进行统计分析以验证日间电气照明与房间功能、房间朝向或两者之间是否存在关系。结果表明,居住在类似几何形状房间的居住者之间,电灯的使用没有显着差异,尤其是居住在西向房间时。就房间功能而言,总体而言,厨房使用日间电灯的频率更高。然而,研究表明,厨房中的电灯使用与特定的设计特征有关,而不是与房间功能本身有关。在朝向方面,一致的发现是,与其他朝向的房间相比,朝西的房间使用电灯的频率较低,与朝东的房间相比,使用频率要低得多,这可以通过表征住宅空间的昼夜占用模式来解释。讨论了调查结果对住宅日光设计标准的影响。