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Anthropogenic drivers leading to regional extinction of threatened plants: insights from regional Red Data Books of Russia
Biodiversity and Conservation ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10531-020-02000-x
Anatoliy A. Khapugin , Igor V. Kuzmin , Tatyana B. Silaeva

The investigation of drivers leading to species extinction is relevant task in global biodiversity conservation. Despite of the large area of Russia, there is a remarkable lack of biodiversity data from this country. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the threats proved for threatened plant taxa according to 59 regional Red Data Books of Russia. For each Red Data Book species, we identified threats, i.e. drivers leading to species extinction, according to sections “Limiting factors” or “Limiting factors and threats” of regional Red Data Books. To identify relation of extinction drivers to natural conditions, we indicated, which biomes are located within each region using scheme of ecoregions. We found that in 59 Russian regions, the total taxonomic list of Red Data Book plants contained of 3390 taxa belonging to 152 families and 869 genera. The biogeographical position of regions was reflected in the similarity of lists of the Red Data Book species on the basis of Jaccard index. In regards of extinction drivers, we found that among 12 of them habitat degradation (16.5%), grazing (14.6%), urbanization (13.5%), and hydrological disturbance (10.8%) were the most impactful factors affecting the Red Data Book plant species in Russian regions. Then, we found that in certain level, the geographical position of a region is correlated with the drivers leading to plant species extinction in Russia. We recommended to continue more detail research to reveal factors affected or led to plant species extinction in Russia as a large and highly diverse country of Eurasia.



调查导致物种灭绝的驱动因素是全球生物多样性保护的重要任务。尽管俄罗斯地域辽阔,但该国仍缺乏生物多样性数据。在这项研究中,我们旨在根据俄罗斯59份区域性《红色数据手册》评估受威胁植物分类的已证明威胁。对于每种红色数据手册物种,我们根据区域红色数据手册的“限制因素”或“限制因素与威胁”部分确定了威胁,即导致物种灭绝的驱动因素。为了确定灭绝驱动因素与自然条件的关系,我们指出了使用生态区域方案在每个区域内都存在哪些生物群落。我们发现,在59个俄罗斯地区中,《红色数据手册》植物的总分类列表包含3152个分类单元,分别属于152个科和869个属。根据Jaccard索引,区域的生物地理位置反映在Red Data Book物种清单的相似性中。关于灭绝驱动因素,我们发现其中有12个栖息地退化(16.5%),放牧(14.6%),城市化(13.5%)和水文扰动(10.8%)是影响《红色数据手册》植物的最有影响力的因素。俄罗斯地区的物种。然后,我们发现在一定程度上,某个地区的地理位置与导致俄罗斯植物物种灭绝的驱动因素相关。我们建议继续进行更详细的研究,以揭示作为欧亚大陆一个大而高度多样化的国家,在俄罗斯影响或导致植物物种灭绝的因素。
