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Productivity of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) in neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) based agroforestry system on Alfisols in semi arid tropics
Agroforestry Systems ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10457-020-00507-4
Honnayya , Chittapur B.M. , Doddabasawa

An investigation was carried out to assess the directional and spatial influence of bund planted neem trees on pigeonpea grown in association during 2018–19 in semi-arid tropics of Karnataka, India. At short distance from the tree lines, growth attributes of pigeonpea were significantly reduced on western and eastern directions of North–South tree line compared to northern and southern directions of East–West tree line, while significantly higher number of pods per plant, seed yield per plant, seed yield and stalk yield (74.00, 24.80 g plant−1, 780 kg ha−1 and 1970 kg ha−1, respectively) were recorded in control without trees. The magnitude of reduction followed southern–northern > eastern–western directions. However at 12.8–18.2 m from the tree lines, growth attributes were not different from control in any direction. Further, significantly lower number of pods per plant (43.33), seed yield per plant (14.36 g), seed yield (376 kg ha−1), stalk yield (1283 kg ha−1) and harvest index (0.23) were recorded closer to the tree line (D1-2–7.4 m distance), but increased and reached the highest (70.94, 22.30, 761, 1921 kg ha−1 and 0.28, respectively) at 12.8–18.2 m away from tree line and were comparable to control irrespective of directions of planting. Overall, at latitude 160 N it was found that east–west tree planting had lower inhibitory interference on associated pigeonpea.


基于半干旱热带 Alfisols 的农林业系统在印楝 (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) 中的木豆 (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) 的生产力

进行了一项调查,以评估 2018-19 年间在印度卡纳塔克邦半干旱热带地区外滩种植的印楝树对联合种植的木豆的方向和空间影响。在距林木线较近的地方,南北林木线西、东方向木豆的生长属性较东西林线南北方向显着降低,而单株荚数、种子产量显着增加。每株植物、种子产量和茎秆产量(分别为 74.00、24.80 g 植物-1、780 kg ha-1 和 1970 kg ha-1)在没有树木的对照中记录。减少的幅度遵循南-北 > 东-西方向。然而,在距树线 12.8-18.2 m 处,生长属性在任何方向上都与对照没有区别。更多,每株豆荚数 (43.33)、每株种子产量 (14.36 g)、种子产量 (376 kg ha-1)、茎秆产量 (1283 kg ha-1) 和收获指数 (0.23) 的记录更接近于树线(D1-2–7.4 m 距离),但在距树线 12.8–18.2 m 处增加并达到最高(分别为 70.94、22.30、761、1921 kg ha−1 和 0.28),并且与对照组相比具有可比性种植方向。总体而言,在北纬 160 度发现东西向植树对相关木豆的抑制干扰较低。分别)在距树线 12.8-18.2 m 处,无论种植方向如何,都与对照相当。总体而言,在北纬 160 度发现东西向植树对相关木豆的抑制干扰较低。分别)在距树线 12.8-18.2 m 处,无论种植方向如何,都与对照相当。总体而言,在北纬 160 度发现东西向植树对相关木豆的抑制干扰较低。