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Homonegativity and the Black Church: Is Congregational Variation the Missing Link?
The Counseling Psychologist ( IF 3.880 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-27 , DOI: 10.1177/0011000020918558
G. Tyler Lefevor 1 , Jacqueline Y. Paiz 1 , William-Michael Stone 1 , Kiet D. Huynh 2 , Hibah E. Virk 1 , Sydney A. Sorrell 1 , Sierra E. Gage 1

The Black church in the United States has historically functioned as a bastion for civil rights; however, it may also be a source of pain and suffering for sexual minorities. To examine the influence of individual and congregational variables on attitudes toward same-sex sexuality in the Black church, we collected a sample of 219 participants from 15 randomly selected congregations. Results of three hierarchical linear models indicated that congregation- and individual-level variables emerged as equally important predictors of individuals’ attitudes toward same-sex sexuality. Individual-level religiousness and congregation-level education emerged as significant predictors of homonegativity. Our results suggest that congregations may play a role in enacting homonegative attitudes. We encourage counseling psychologists working with religious Black sexual minority clients to help clients consider characteristics of congregations (e.g., education) and individual religious practices (e.g., overzealous service attendance) that may signal homonegativity. We encourage further work examining the influence of congregational factors on congregants’ attitudes.



美国黑人教会历来充当公民权利的堡垒。然而,它也可能是性少数群体痛苦和痛苦的根源。为了检查个人和会众变量对黑人教会对同性性行为态度的影响,我们从 15 个随机选择的会众中收集了 219 名参与者的样本。三个层次线性模型的结果表明,会众和个人层面的变量作为个体对同性性行为态度的同等重要预测因素出现。个人层面的宗教信仰和会众层面的教育成为同质性的重要预测因素。我们的结果表明,会众可能在制定同性恋态度方面发挥作用。我们鼓励与宗教黑人性少数客户一起工作的咨询心理学家帮助客户考虑可能表明同质性的会众特征(例如,教育)和个人宗教实践(例如,过度热心的服务出席)。我们鼓励进一步研究会众因素对会众态度的影响。