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rGO-CNT aerogel embedding iron phosphide nanocubes for high-performance Li-polysulfide batteries
Carbon ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.05.066
Yujie Chen , Shuyuan Liu , Xietao Yuan , Xuechun Hu , Wanqi Ye , Amir Abdul Razzaq , Yuebin Lian , Muzi Chen , Xiaohui Zhao , Yang Peng , Jin-Ho Choi , Jou-Hyeon Ahn , Zhao Deng

Abstract Li-polysulfide batteries (LPSBs) involving dissolved polysulfides as the catholyte have been sought as an alternative solution for addressing the problem of inefficient sulfur utilization with conventional lithium-sulfur batteries, but imposes even more stringent requirements on polysulfide immobilization. In this study, a hybrid rGO/CNTs aerogel embedding FeP nanocubes is fabricated by instantly freezing and phosphorizing metal organic frameworks (MOF)-containing precursors, and used as the LPSB cathodes for hosting polysulfides with high affinity. A high specific capacity of 1312.3 mA h g−1 at 0.2 C and prolonged cycling with only 0.037% decay per cycle at 1 C were achieved for over 500 cycles, together with an exceptional high areal capacity up to 8.5 mA h cm−2 at the sulfur loading of 9.6 mg cm−2. This remarkable LPSB performance is ascribed to the strong immobilization of polysulfides by the FeP anchoring material, the conductive and microporous carbon scaffolds in providing adequate interfaces for charge transfer, the homogeneous catholyte distribution for promoting sulfur utilization, as well as a possible catalytic effect of FeP on expediting the redox conversion of polysulfides.



摘要 以溶解的多硫化物为阴极电解液的锂多硫化物电池 (LPSB) 已被寻求作为解决传统锂硫电池硫利用效率低下问题的替代解决方案,但对多硫化物的固定化提出了更严格的要求。在这项研究中,通过立即冷冻和磷化含有金属有机框架 (MOF) 的前驱体,制备了嵌入 FeP 纳米立方体的混合 rGO/CNTs 气凝胶,并用作 LPSB 阴极,用于承载具有高亲和力的多硫化物。在 0.2 C 下达到 1312.3 mA hg-1 的高比容量和在 1 C 下每个循环仅衰减 0.037% 的延长循环超过 500 次循环,以及高达 8.5 mAh cm-2 的异常高面容量9.6 mg cm−2 的硫负载。