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Year-round spatiotemporal distribution pattern of a threatened sea duck species breeding on Kolguev Island, south-eastern Barents Sea.
BMC Ecology ( IF 3.368 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1186/s12898-020-00299-2
Thiemo Karwinkel 1, 2, 3 , Ingrid L Pollet 1 , Sandra Vardeh 1 , Helmut Kruckenberg 4 , Petr Glazov 5 , Julia Loshchagina 5 , Alexander Kondratyev 6 , Benjamin Merkel 7 , Jochen Bellebaum 4 , Petra Quillfeldt 1

The long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis) was categorized as ´Vulnerable` by the IUCN after a study revealed a rapid wintering population decline of 65% between 1992–1993 and 2007–2009 in the Baltic Sea. As knowledge about the European long-tailed duck’s life cycle and movement ecology is limited, we investigate its year-round spatiotemporal distribution patterns. Specifically, we aimed to identify the wintering grounds, timing of migration and staging of this population via light-level geolocation. Of the 48 female long-tailed ducks tagged on Kolguev Island (western Russian Arctic), 19 were recaptured to obtain data. After breeding and moulting at freshwater lakes, ducks went out to sea around Kolguev Island and to marine waters ranging from the White Sea to Novaya Zemlya Archipelago for 33 ± 10 days. After a rapid autumn migration, 18 of 19 birds spent their winter in the Baltic Sea and one bird in the White Sea, where they stayed for 212 ± 3 days. There, they used areas known to host long-tailed ducks, but areas differed among individuals. After a rapid spring migration in mid-May, the birds spent 23 ± 3 days at sea in coastal areas between the White Sea and Kolguev Island, before returning to their freshwater breeding habitats in June. The Baltic Sea represents the most important wintering area for female long-tailed ducks from Kolguev Island. Important spring and autumn staging areas include the Barents Sea and the White Sea. Climate change will render these habitats more exposed to human impacts in the form of fisheries, marine traffic and oil exploitation in near future. Threats that now operate in the wintering areas may thus spread to the higher latitude staging areas and further increase the pressure on long-tailed ducks.



一项研究显示,在 1992 年至 1993 年和 2007 年至 2009 年期间,波罗的海的越冬种群数量迅速下降了 65%,因此 IUCN 将长尾鸭(Clangula hyemalis)归类为“易危”。由于对欧洲长尾鸭生命周期和运动生态学的了解有限,我们研究了其全年的时空分布模式。具体来说,我们旨在通过光级地理定位来确定该种群的越冬地、迁移时间和分期。在科尔格夫岛(俄罗斯西部北极地区)标记的 48 只雌性长尾鸭中,有 19 只被重新捕获以获取数据。在淡水湖中繁殖和换羽后,鸭子在科尔格夫岛周围的海域以及从白海到新地岛群岛的海水中航行 33 ± 10 天。经过快速的秋季迁徙,19 只鸟中有 18 只在波罗的海过冬,1 只在白海过冬,它们在那里停留了 212 ± 3 天。在那里,他们使用了已知栖息长尾鸭的区域,但区域因个体而异。经过 5 月中旬的春季快速迁徙后,这些鸟类在白海和科尔格夫岛之间的沿海地区在海上停留了 23 ± 3 天,然后于 6 月返回它们的淡水繁殖栖息地。波罗的海是科尔格夫岛雌性长尾鸭最重要的越冬区。重要的春季和秋季停靠区包括巴伦支海和白海。在不久的将来,气候变化将使这些栖息地更容易受到渔业、海上交通和石油开采形式的人类影响。