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Estimation of N2O Emissions from Agricultural Soils and Determination of Nitrogen Leakage
Atmosphere ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.3390/atmos11060552
Kristína Tonhauzer , Peter Tonhauzer , Janka Szemesová , Bernard Šiška

Leaching of nitrogen from the soil is a natural but unfavorable effect that generates N2O emissions. Exact quantification of nitrogen leakage is a challenging process. Intensive leakage occurs mainly when the soil is without vegetation and under specific climatic conditions. This paper aims to quantify the amount of nitrogen leakage from arable land and grassland, and to estimate N2O emissions in 2017. Estimating the country-specific fraction of leached nitrogen (FracLEACH) is important for the emission balance from this source. Emissions are underestimated when the fraction is low; on the contrary, a high fraction causes overestimation. The internationally recognized fraction is 30%, according to the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) Guidelines. This factor represents the fraction of nitrogen losses compared to total nitrogen inputs and sources. In this study, we analyzed the effects of climatic conditions on agricultural soils in Slovakia to evaluate the area of nitrogen loss through leaching.



从土壤中浸出氮是一种自然的但不利的影响,会产生N 2 O排放。精确定量氮泄漏是一个具有挑战性的过程。强烈渗漏主要是在土壤没有植被且在特定气候条件下发生的。本文旨在量化耕地和草地中氮的泄漏量,并估计2017年的N 2 O排放量。估算特定国家/地区浸出氮的比例(Frac LEACH)对于此来源的排放平衡很重要。当比例低时,排放量被低估;相反,高比例会导致高估。根据2006年政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)指南,国际认可的比例为30%。该因子代表与总氮输入和源相比氮损失的比例。在这项研究中,我们分析了气候条件对斯洛伐克农业土壤的影响,以评估通过淋洗损失的氮素面积。