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Noted with Interest
Conservation Biology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13506

In the Footsteps of Joseph Dalton Hooker. A Sikkim Adventure . Seamus O'Brien. 2018. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens, Richmond, London, U.K. 323 pp. US$72.97 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐1‐8424‐6656‐8.

Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker is widely considered one of the greatest botanists of the 19th century. He was an avid traveler, and he cataloged thousands of plants. As a close friend of Charles Darwin, it is thought that his extensive botanical collection added scientific weight to the theory of natural selection. In this well‐written and beautifully illustrated book, author Seamus O'Brien follows Hooker's footsteps across Sikkim. In addition to his botanical interests, Hooker was also a highly skilled cartographer and geographer, and the author discusses how he created a comprehensive map of the kingdom that highlights mountain passes of strategic value. Some of Hooker's original maps are reproduced in the book along with his original sketches of plants and the region. The author describes how these places currently compare with the descriptions made by Hooker on his adventure 170 years previously. In many ways, it appears that Sikkim has changed little over the course of time. The book is full of stunning photographs taken by the author during his pilgrimage. Hooker's plant collections, including those from Sikkim, were forwarded to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew for formal description of species and further study. His book, Rhododendrons of the Sikkim Himalaya (recently reissued), is considered to have started a European trend for growing rhododendrons and subsequently influenced our gardens for the following century. The author, also a botanist, has created a fascinating and insightful book that is part travelogue and part biography. It should be greatly appreciated by anyone with an interest in the flora and history of Sikkim or by any student of botany.

The Stockholm Paradigm: Climate Change and Emerging Disease . Brooks, D. R., E. Hoberg, and W. A. Boeger. 2019. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 400 pp. US$51.00 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐226‐63230‐8.

The authors of The Stockholm Paradigm have a wealth of expertise in evolutionary biology and parasitology, and their combined experience has been harnessed to provide an interesting perspective on climate change and emerging disease in this well‐written and extensively referenced volume. The paradigm combines 4 different ecological concepts––ecological fitting, the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution, taxon pulses, and the oscillation hypothesis. The basic premise is that climate change has the potential to fundamentally change the habitats of living organisms and this can drive changes in the distribution of host and pathogen species. In vector‐borne diseases, this may expand the habitat range of vectors (e.g., some species of mosquitoes) as well as the diseases they may carry (e.g., malaria). In other cases, climate change may reduce the habitat range of a host species, but the pathogen may find an alternative host, thereby resulting in changes in expected host–pathogen dynamics. This insightful book includes 10 chapters with specific examples of host–parasite interactions and changing patterns of disease over time. The authors explore evidence of the role of climate change in driving parasite evolution and changes in host–parasite biology. Some of the examples discussed provide surprising insights into evolutionary advantage in a changing environment. The chapter, “How Did We Get into This Mess,” outlines key barriers to generating successful scientific solutions and explains that the research‐funding landscape and the competitive attitudes of some scientists may need to change radically to encourage effective collaboration to address emerging global disease threats. Later, the authors suggest a new approach to address the current crisis: collaboration focused on the shared goal of influencing policy. To effectively address emerging infectious diseases, and other complex ecological problems, it is clear that a collaborative interdisciplinary approach is required. This book should be of interest to students of evolutionary biology, academics, and policy makers who work on emerging infectious disease and climate change.

Europe's Sea Mammals. A Field Guide to the Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises and Seals . Still, R., H. Harrop, T. Stenton, and L. Dias. 2019. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. 208 pp. US$24.95 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐18216‐2.

In reality, whale watching consists of observing cetaceans (dolphins and whales) and other marine mammals (seals, otters, walrus, and polar bear) in their natural habitat, near shore or at sea. It is a rapidly growing activity of marine tourism. European waters are among the best places for this because there one can spot 45% of the world's cetaceans and 27% of pinnipeds. There are 2 types of whale watching tourists. The whale watching enthusiast travels to different regions to see specific species. For them, the most important thing is to know what species they can see at what time of the year. Opportunistic whale watchers see by chance marine mammals during their holidays. They need to know what to search for when at sea. During a whale‐watching tour, a guide has the hard task of answering all the whale‐watching enthusiasts’ questions and meeting the expectations of the opportunistic whale watcher. When there is a very diverse group of tourists on the vessel, which is most of the time, the task is even harder. This book is a great guide for tour guides and whale watchers of both types. It contains accurate and well‐organized information, is illustrated with cutting‐edge photographs, maps, and graphics, and covers the 39 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises and 9 species of seals found on the eastern Atlantic from Iceland to Macaronesia and in the Mediterranean, Caspian, and Baltic Seas. It starts with a very simple and informative description about marine mammals and their classification, features, feeding habits, social organizations, and threats. Recording and photographic techniques and suggestions on when, where, and how to look for marine mammals and identify species at sea are provided. Basic and accurate information on species’ size, weight, description, group size, where they occur, and surfacing and diving behavior is given. Also given are distribution area, observation tips, and information on similar species. All this information is complemented by very accurate drawings of animals in various states of swimming, diving, and feeding. Distribution maps and very sharp photos show the key features of animals at the surface. More specific information is provided for those who want to know more, where they occur worldwide, their social organization, behavior, communication, breeding, and predation, and factors that threaten their survival. There are accurate photos, drawings, and schematics of the behavior of the animals on the surface. This is an important book for tourists, because it will enhance their experiences and learning, and for guides, because it is an excellent explanation tool. Whale watching enthusiasts, whale‐watching guides, and people interested in marine mammals will like this book. For a future edition, I suggest the addition of a species missing from this guide: the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena ), the first confirmed sighting of which was in 2004 in Azorean waters.

How To Be an Urban Birder . Lindo, D. 2018. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. 232 pp. US$18.95 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐1796‐2.

Birdwatching, or birding, is a pastime undergoing a renaissance. Often, it is seen as an activity one can do only in remote places, where human disturbance is low, because urban areas are viewed by some as devoid of wildlife, apart from a few species some consider nuisances. David Lindo's book shows this could not be further from the truth: cities are bustling with bird life and provide plenty of interesting opportunities for birders. The primary audience of this book is urbanites interested in birds and looking for an outdoor recreational activity that can be done within the limits of a city. It is foremost a guidebook for beginners, but more experienced birders can also find some useful advice in it. The book meticulously describes the various urban sites where birds may be found; the most common species found in English cities; and the various equipment a birder may want. It offers much advice regarding where to go and what to do when watching birds in a city. Although the book contains some scientific facts about birds, it is not a science book. Results from zoological and ecological research are only casually mentioned and no citations of original publications are provided. The book is written in an extremely casual, often tongue‐in‐cheek style, and is full of personal anecdotes, which makes it an easy and entertaining read. One downside of this style, however, is that the book is very focused on species, locations, and other conditions the author encountered in England. Although this makes the book extremely relevant for a U.K. reader, urban birders from other parts of the world, with different avifauna and climate conditions, may find it somewhat less useful. But there is still plenty of general advice in it that is easy to adapt to other locations. Urban citizens may find less and less time to go outside the city and risk losing connection with nature. Following Lindo's advice, one can learn to open one's eyes and see that nature is right at the doorstep in the form of urban birds.

Birds in Winter. Surviving the Most Challenging Season . Pasquiet, R. F. 2019. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. 304 pp. US$29.95 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐17855‐4.

The author is correct in his introduction: in ornithology (and not only there), winter ecology is way less studied than other parts of the birds’ life cycle. In 10 chapters, aspects of bird life, from preparing for the winter to returning to the breeding grounds, are covered in reliable detail. The discussion of migration makes up a sizeable portion of the book, but this is not the most interesting part, nor is it the most thorough one. For me, the most interesting are the chapters about birds that have to cope with winter hardship in temperate regions. Although there is information from other areas, much of the emphasis is on temperate North American birds––as if this were a book solely about birds in winter in this region. This is only partly justified by unevenness of research. The intended readership is probably birders and lay people, and, possibly for this reason, the figures are––apart from a few maps––all bird drawings. The black‐and‐white illustrations (by Margaret LaFarge) are beautiful, although I suspect they are not freehand drawings but were copied from photographs. If this is how illustrators are working today, robots will soon eclipse them. The inside cover page creates a cramped impression, reinforced by the unusually narrow margins of the text pages. This does not make the book more beautiful; it is also difficult to read while holding it. Despite the above quibbles, it is indeed a book that fills a gap.



在约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克的脚步中。锡金历险记。Seamus O'Brien。2018.邱园出版社,皇家植物园,里士满,伦敦,英国323页,72.97美元(精装)。ISBN 978-1-8424-6656-8。

约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克爵士被广泛认为是19世纪最伟大的植物学家之一。他是一个狂热的旅行者,他为数千种植物编目。作为查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)的密友,人们认为他广泛的植物收藏为自然选择理论增加了科学意义。在这本写得很好且插图精美的书中,作者西莫斯·奥布莱恩(Seamus O'Brien)跟随胡克(Hooker)在锡金的足迹。除了植物学方面的利益外,胡克还是一位技术娴熟的制图师和地理学家,作者讨论了他如何创建王国的综合地图,以突出具有战略价值的山脉。本书中复制了胡克的一些原始地图以及他的植物和该地区的原始草图。作者描述了这些地方目前的状况,并将其与170年前胡克(Hooker)对冒险的描述进行了比较。从许多方面看,锡金随着时间的推移几乎没有变化。这本书里充满了作者在朝圣期间拍摄的精美照片。胡克(Hooker)的植物收藏品,包括锡金(Sikkim)的植物收藏品,已转发给位于基尤(Kew)的皇家植物园,以对其品种进行正式描述和进一步研究。他的书,被送往基尤的皇家植物园进行物种的正式描述和进一步研究。他的书,被送往基尤的皇家植物园进行物种的正式描述和进一步研究。他的书,锡金喜马拉雅山的杜鹃花(最近重新发行)被认为已开始在欧洲种植杜鹃花,并在随后的一个世纪影响了我们的花园。作者也是植物学家,他创作了一部引人入胜的有见地的书,既是旅行社又是传记。任何对锡金(Sikkim)的植物区系和历史感兴趣的人或任何植物学的学生都应该对此致以极大的赞赏。

斯德哥尔摩范式:气候变化与新兴疾病。布鲁克斯博士,E。Hoberg和WA Boeger。2019.芝加哥大学出版社,美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥400页,51.00美元(平装)。ISBN 978-0-226-63230-8。


欧洲的海洋哺乳动物。鲸,海豚,海豚和海豹实地指南。尽管如此,R.,H。Harrop,T。Stenton和L. Dias。2019.普林斯顿大学出版社,美国新泽西州普林斯顿208页,24.95美元(平装)。ISBN 978-0-691-18216-2。

实际上,赏鲸包括在其自然栖息地,近岸或海上观察鲸类(海豚和鲸鱼)和其他海洋哺乳动物(海豹,水獭,海象和北极熊)。这是海洋旅游业迅速发展的活动。欧洲水域是最好的选择,因为那里可以发现世界上45%的鲸类和27%的pin鱼。赏鲸游客有2种类型。赏鲸爱好者前往不同地区以查看特定物种。对于他们来说,最重要的是知道他们在一年中的什么时候可以看到哪些物种。机会主义的观鲸者在假日期间偶然看到海洋哺乳动物。他们需要知道在海上寻找什么。在赏鲸之旅中,指南的艰巨任务是回答所有观鲸爱好者的问题并满足机会主义观鲸者的期望。大多数情况下,当船上有各种各样的游客时,任务就更加艰巨。这本书对于两种类型的导游和观鲸者都是不错的指南。它包含准确且井井有条的信息,并通过尖端的照片,地图和图形进行说明,并涵盖了从冰岛到马卡罗尼西亚以及在大西洋沿岸的39种鲸鱼,海豚和海豚以及9种海豹。地中海,里海和波罗的海。它以关于海洋哺乳动物及其分类,特征,摄食习惯,社会组织和威胁的非常简单而翔实的描述开始。提供了有关在何时,何地以及如何寻找海洋哺乳动物和识别海上物种的记录和摄影技术及建议。给出了有关物种大小,重量,描述,种群大小,发生位置以及表面和潜水行为的基本而准确的信息。还给出了分布区域,观察技巧以及类似物种的信息。所有这些信息都得到了处于各种游泳,潜水和喂养状态的非常精确的动物图画的补充。分布图和非常清晰的照片显示了地面动物的关键特征。为那些想了解更多信息的人,在世界各地发生的事情,他们的社会组织,行为,沟通,繁殖和掠食以及威胁其生存的因素提供了更具体的信息。有准确的照片,图纸,以及动物在水面上的行为示意图。这对于游客来说是一本重要的书,因为它可以增进他们的经验和学习,对于向导来说,也是一本很好的解释工具。赏鲸爱好者,赏鲸指南以及对海洋哺乳动物感兴趣的人会喜欢这本书。对于以后的版本,我建议增加本指南中缺少的物种:海豚(Phocoena phocoena),最早在2004年在亚速尔群岛水域发现。

如何做一个城市的观鸟者。Lindo,D.2018。普林斯顿大学出版社,美国新泽西州普林斯顿232页,18.95美元(平装)。ISBN 978-0-691-1796-2。

观鸟或观鸟是一种正在复兴的消遣。通常,这被视为一项活动,只能在人为干扰较低的偏远地区进行,因为一些人认为城市地区没有野生动植物,而有些人则认为很讨厌。大卫·林多(David Lindo)的书表明,事实与事实相距遥远:城市熙熙bird,鸟类繁衍生息,为观鸟者提供了大量有趣的机会。本书的主要读者是对鸟类感兴趣的城市居民,他们正在寻找可以在城市范围内进行的户外休闲活动。这是最适合初学者的指南,但是经验丰富的观鸟者也可以从中找到一些有用的建议。这本书详尽地描述了可能发现鸟类的各个城市场所。在英国城市中发现的最常见的物种;以及观鸟者可能需要的各种设备。它为在城市中赏鸟时去哪里和做什么提供了很多建议。尽管该书包含有关鸟类的一些科学事实,但它不是科学书籍。生态和生态研究的结果仅被随意提及,并且未提供原始出版物的引用。这本书以一种非常随意的,常常是开玩笑的风格写成,并且充满了个人趣闻,这使它读起来既轻松又有趣。但是,这种风格的一个缺点是,该书非常着重于作者在英格兰遇到的物种,位置和其他条件。尽管这使该书对英国读者而言极为相关,但来自世界其他地区,航空动物和气候条件不同的城市观鸟者可能会觉得它的用处不大。但是,其中仍然存在许多易于适应其他位置的一般建议。城市居民出外旅行的时间可能越来越少,并可能失去与自然的联系。遵循Lindo的建议,人们可以学会睁大眼睛,看到大自然以城市鸟类的形式出现在门口。

冬季的鸟类。在最充满挑战的季节中生存。Pasquiet,RF2019。普林斯顿大学出版社,美国新泽西州普林斯顿304页,29.95美元(精装)。ISBN 978-0-691-17855-4。

作者在介绍中是正确的:在鸟类学(不仅是那里)中,冬季生态学的研究方法远不及鸟类生命周期的其他部分。在第10章中,从可靠的细节中详细介绍了鸟类的生活,从准备冬天到返回繁殖场。关于迁移的讨论构成了本书的很大一部分,但这不是最有趣的部分,也不是最彻底的部分。对我而言,最有趣的是关于温带地区不得不应付冬季困难的鸟类的章节。尽管有其他地区的信息,但重点还是放在北美温带鸟类上,就像这本只有关该地区冬季鸟类的书一样。研究不平衡只能部分证明这一点。目标读者可能是观鸟者和非专业人士,并且,可能由于这个原因,这些数字(除了几张地图之外)都是鸟类的图画。黑白插图(由Margaret LaFarge撰写)很漂亮,尽管我怀疑它们不是徒手绘制,而是从照片中复制而来。如果这是插画家今天的工作方式,那么机器人很快就会使它们黯然失色。封面内页会产生局促的印象,而文本页的页边距异常狭窄则更加明显。这不会使这本书更漂亮。握住它也很难阅读。尽管存在上述问题,但确实是一本填补空白的书。如果这是插画家今天的工作方式,那么机器人很快就会使它们黯然失色。封面内页会产生局促的印象,而文本页的页边距异常狭窄则更加明显。这不会使这本书更漂亮。握住它也很难阅读。尽管存在上述问题,但确实是一本填补空白的书。如果这是插画家今天的工作方式,那么机器人很快就会使它们黯然失色。封面内页会产生局促的印象,而文本页的页边距异常狭窄则更加明显。这不会使这本书更漂亮。握住它也很难阅读。尽管存在上述问题,但确实是一本填补空白的书。
