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Analysing the impacts of a large-scale EV rollout in the UK – How can we better inform environmental and climate policy?
Energy Strategy Reviews ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2020.100497
Christian F. Calvillo , Karen Turner

Electrifying transport to meet local pollution and overall net zero carbon ambitions is now a key UK policy focus, but this will have important impacts on the energy system, the economy, and the environment. Understanding the changes that the electrification of transport will bring is crucial for developing sustainable policies for net zero goals and a just transition. A literature is emerging to analyse the impact of a large-scale penetration of electric vehicles (EVs), but generally limiting focus to the implications for the electricity network. In this paper, we aim to provide insight on the wider energy system impacts of the expected EV rollout in the UK, in terms of fuel changes, energy costs, CO2 emission reduction and network investments; and how different EV charging strategies increase or mitigate the impacts of the expected large-scale penetration of EVs. Results show that non-smart and/or decentralised charging will require considerably larger investments on the network to accommodate new EV demand. Network reinforcement costs are passed to the consumer via increased electricity prices and, albeit reduced, emissions shift from the transport to the power sector. These results show the importance of considering the whole energy system and the wider economy, to avoid carbon leakage and to maximise the effectiveness of policies.



为满足当地污染和实现零碳净总量的总体目标,电动化交通运输现已成为英国的主要政策重点,但这将对能源系统,经济和环境产生重要影响。了解交通运输电气化将带来的变化对于制定实现零净目标和公正过渡的可持续政策至关重要。越来越多的文献来分析电动汽车(EV)的大规模普及所产生的影响,但通常将注意力集中在对电网的影响上。在本文中,我们旨在就燃料变化,能源成本,CO 2方面,对英国预期的电动汽车推出所带来的更广泛的能源系统影响提供见解。减排和网络投资;以及不同的电动汽车充电策略如何增加或减轻预期的电动汽车大规模渗透的影响。结果表明,非智能和/或分散式充电将需要在网络上进行大量投资才能适应新的电动汽车需求。通过提高电价将网络加固成本转移给消费者,尽管成本降低了,但排放却从运输部门转移到了电力部门。这些结果表明,考虑整个能源系统和更广泛的经济状况,避免碳泄漏和最大限度地提高政策有效性的重要性。
