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Morphological Errors in Monolingual Spanish-Speaking Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorders.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: 10.1044/2019_lshss-19-00022
Anny Castilla-Earls 1 , Alejandra Auza 2 , Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux 3 , Katrina Fulcher-Rood 4 , Christopher Barr 5

Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify which morphological markers have the best diagnostic accuracy to identify developmental language disorders (DLD) in monolingual Spanish-speaking children. Method The participants in this study included 50 Spanish-speaking monolingual children with (n = 25) and without (n = 25) DLD. Data collection took place in Mexico. Children were administered a comprehensive elicitation task that set up felicitous contexts to produce morphological structures previously identified as problematic for Spanish-speaking children with DLD: articles, direct object pronouns, adjectives, plurals, verb conjugations, and the subjunctive in Spanish. Results Statistically significant group differences between children with and without DLD were found for all morphological structures examined but plurals. Logistic regression analyses suggested that a model that included clitic and verbs was the best model to uniquely predict group membership. This model showed sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 80%. Conclusion Clitics and verbs should be considered morphological markers of DLD in monolingual Spanish-speaking children.



目的这项研究的目的是确定哪种形态学标记物具有最佳的诊断准确性,从而可以识别会说西班牙语的儿童中的发育性语言障碍(DLD)。方法:本研究的参与者包括50名讲(n = 25)和没有(n = 25)DLD的说西班牙语的单语儿童。数据收集在墨西哥进行。对孩子们进行了全面的启发任务,该任务设置了适当的上下文,以产生先前被认为对讲西班牙语的患有DLD的孩子来说是有问题的形态结构:文章,直接宾语代词,形容词,复数形式,动词词缀以及西班牙语的虚拟语气。结果发现,除了复数形式外,所有被检查的形态结构在有无DLD的儿童之间存在统计学上显着的群体差异。Logistic回归分析表明,包含风俗和动词的模型是唯一预测群体成员身份的最佳模型。该模型显示出96%的敏感性和80%的特异性。结论在说英语的西班牙语儿童中,应将批评和动词视为DLD的形态标志。