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Severity of negative mood and anxiety symptoms occurring during acute abstinence from tobacco: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.04.018
A A Conti 1 , S Tolomeo 2 , J D Steele 3 , A M Baldacchino 1

This review was conducted with the following goals: To quantify the severity of mood and anxiety symptoms emerging during acute abstinence from tobacco (1). To explore sex differences related to the experience of specific symptoms (2). To investigate the early time course of symptoms (3).

A meta-analysis was performed from 28 studies assessing mood and anxiety symptoms during the earliest phases of tobacco abstinence (up to 24 hrs post-quit) conducted from 1999 to 2019. Results revealed a significant (p < 0.0001) increase in ‘anxiety’, ‘anger/irritability’, ‘depressed mood /sadness’, and composite negative affect (‘NA’) in the 24 hours following smoking cessation. The largest effect size was detected for ‘anxiety’ (0.63). A qualitative analysis was performed to investigate sex differences and the time course of the specific symptoms. Results indicated that female smokers may experience worse mood symptoms compared to male smokers and that these symptoms may emerge within 3 hrs post-quit. Smoking cessation programs should implement sex-tailored interventions in order to improve their effectiveness, while future research should focus on alternative methods of nicotine administration.




对1999年至2019年戒烟的最早阶段(戒烟后24小时内)的28项评估情绪和焦虑症状的研究进行了荟萃分析。结果显示,“焦虑”显着增加(p <0.0001) ,戒烟后24小时内的“愤怒/烦躁”,“情绪低落/悲伤”和复合负面影响('NA')。对于“焦虑症”,检测到的效应最大(0.63)。进行了定性分析,以调查性别差异和特定症状的时程。结果表明,与男性吸烟者相比,女性吸烟者可能会出现较差的情绪症状,并且这些症状可能在戒烟后3小时内出现。戒烟计划应实施针对性别的干预措施,以提高其有效性,
