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Airtightness measurement of an outdoor chamber using the Pulse and blower door methods under various wind and leakage scenarios
Building and Environment ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106950
Xiaofeng Zheng , Joe Mazzon , Ian Wallis , Christopher J. Wood

Abstract As a continued investigation following the previous testing of a house-sized chamber in a sheltered environment, this paper introduces an experimental study of airtightness measurement of an outdoor chamber using both the novel Pulse technique and the steady pressurisation method. The chamber has dimensions of approximately half that of a standard 20 ft long shipping container. The chamber's envelope was modified with multiple openings to provide a leakage level similar to that of an average UK house. Two sets of experimental tests were carried out independently at different times to investigate: a) How both methods compare on measuring the airtightness of an outdoor chamber at various leakage levels; and b) How the steady wind at various wind speed may affect the Pulse measurement of the chamber airtightness. Results show that the air permeability at 4 Pa measured by both methods has a percentage difference less than 16% in most testing scenarios, which is a slightly larger discrepancy than that found in the sheltered environment study. In steady wind tests, artificial wind at various speed levels was introduced in the Pulse tests by utilising a multi-gear portable trailer fan. Initial findings have shown that the impact of steady wind on the Pulse test is mostly insignificant when it is under 3.5 m/s. However, high wind speeds (4 m/s-9.5 m/s) decrease the value of air permeability at 4 Pa by 16%–24% in comparison to that measured under the fan-off condition in the steady wind tests.



摘要 作为继先前在隐蔽环境中对房屋大小的密室进行测试之后的继续研究,本文介绍了使用新型脉冲技术和稳态加压方法对室外密室进行气密性测量的实验研究。该腔室的尺寸大约是标准 20 英尺长集装箱的尺寸的一半。房间的外壳经过修改,带有多个开口,以提供类似于普通英国房屋的泄漏水平。两组实验测试在不同时间独立进行,以研究: a) 两种方法在不同泄漏水平下测量室外室的气密性如何比较;b) 不同风速下的稳定风如何影响密闭性的脉冲测量。结果表明,在大多数测试场景中,两种方法测得的 4 Pa 透气率的百分比差异小于 16%,这比在隐蔽环境研究中发现的差异略大。在稳定风测试中,通过使用多齿轮便携式拖车风扇在脉冲测试中引入了不同速度级别的人造风。初步发现表明,当风速低于 3.5 m/s 时,稳定风对 Pulse 测试的影响几乎不显着。然而,高风速(4 m/s-9.5 m/s)使 4 Pa 下的透气率值比在稳定风测试中在扇形条件下测量的值降低了 16%-24%。这比庇护环境研究中发现的差异稍大。在稳定风测试中,通过使用多齿轮便携式拖车风扇在脉冲测试中引入了不同速度级别的人造风。初步发现表明,当风速低于 3.5 m/s 时,稳定风对 Pulse 测试的影响几乎不显着。然而,高风速(4 m/s-9.5 m/s)使 4 Pa 下的透气率值比在稳定风测试中在扇形条件下测量的值降低了 16%-24%。这比庇护环境研究中发现的差异稍大。在稳定风测试中,通过使用多齿轮便携式拖车风扇在脉冲测试中引入了不同速度级别的人造风。初步发现表明,当风速低于 3.5 m/s 时,稳定风对 Pulse 测试的影响几乎不显着。然而,高风速(4 m/s-9.5 m/s)使 4 Pa 下的透气率值比在稳定风测试中在扇形条件下测量的值降低了 16%-24%。