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Intraspecific Variation in Growth and Reproduction of the Marine Leech, Heptacyclus buthi.
Journal of Parasitology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1645/19-111
Bernard Y Kim 1 , Donald G Buth 1

Heptacyclus buthi was harvested from fish hosts in rocky intertidal zones of Sonoma and Marin Counties, California, in October 2008 (n = 162) and October 2010 (n = 51). The size of the leeches was quantified using a method that approximated the sagittal cross-section of each specimen. Size-frequency curves were modeled to estimate the number of size-class cohorts in each year. If H. buthi is an annual species like many of its relatives, the single cohort modeled for in 2010 and the comparable "older" cohort in 2008, both with a broad range of sizes, may represent 1 component of its reproductive life history. A second, younger, more-numerous, less-variable cohort modeled from the 2008 sample may represent a second reproductive bout during that year that was prevented in the subsequent La Niña period of 2010-2011.


海洋水ch,Heptacyclus buthi生长和繁殖的种内变化。

2008年10月(n = 162)和2010年10月(n = 51)在加利福尼亚州索诺玛和马林县的岩石潮间带的鱼类寄主中收获了七足but。使用近似于每个样品的矢状横截面的方法量化水的大小。对大小-频率曲线进行建模,以估计每年的大小类队列数量。如果布氏嗜血杆菌像其许多亲戚一样是一年生物种,则以2010年为模型的单一队列和2008年为可比较的“较老”队列,其规模各不相同,这可能代表其生殖生活史的一个组成部分。根据2008年的样本进行的第二次更年轻,数量更多,变化较小的队列研究可能代表了该年中的第二次生殖运动,但随后的2010-2011年拉尼娜时期被阻止了。