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Multi-sensory potential of archives in dementia care
Archives and Records Pub Date : 2019-10-22 , DOI: 10.1080/23257962.2019.1675147
Victoria Tischler 1 , Sophie Clapp 2

ABSTRACT This paper aimed to review the potential for archival items to be used to support therapeutic interventions in dementia care, with a particular focus on olfactory stimuli. Archival research was used to identify objects and to re-create authentic historical product fragrances from Boots UK. Potentially therapeutic material and smells for people living with dementia were identified and olfactory profiles created. These were characterized by strong smells and items featuring well-known brands and distinctive packaging including carbolic soap and Old English Lavender talcum powder. A dataset of items has been created for use in future research studies.



摘要 本文旨在审查档案项目用于支持痴呆护理治疗干预的潜力,特别关注嗅觉刺激。档案研究被用于识别物品并重新创造来自英国 Boots 的真实历史产品香水。确定了对痴呆症患者具有潜在治疗作用的材料和气味,并创建了嗅觉特征。这些产品的特点是气味强烈,物品采用知名品牌和独特的包装,包括石炭皂和古英语薰衣草滑石粉。已创建项目数据集以用于未来的研究。