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Dynamics of Muddy Rain of 15 June 2018 in Nepal
Atmosphere ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.3390/atmos11050529
Ashok Kumar Pokharel , Tianli Xu , Xiaobo Liu , Binod Dawadi

It has been revealed from the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications MERRA analyses, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MODIS/Terra satellite imageries, Naval Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System NAAPS model outputs, Cloud –Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations CALIPSO imageries, Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory HYSPLIT model trajectories, atmospheric soundings, and observational records of dust emission that there were multiple dust storms in the far western parts of India from 12 to 15 June 2018 due to thunderstorms. This led to the lifting of the dust from the surface. The entry of dust into the upper air was caused by the generation of a significant amount of turbulent kinetic energy as a function of strong wind shear generated by the negative buoyancy of the cooled air aloft and the convective buoyancy in the lower planetary boundary layer. Elevated dust reached a significant vertical height and was advected towards the northern/northwestern/northeastern parts of India. In the meantime, this dust was carried by northwesterly winds associated with the jets in the upper level, which advected dust towards the skies over Nepal where rainfall was occurring at that time. Consequently, this led to the muddy rain in Nepal.



它已从MERRA分析,应用中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS / Terra卫星图像,海军气溶胶分析和预测系统NAAPS模型输出,云气溶胶激光雷达和红外探路仪卫星观测CALIPSO图像的研究和应用的现代时代回顾分析中得到揭示,混合单粒子拉格朗日综合轨迹HYSPLIT模型的轨迹,大气探测和尘埃排放的观测记录表明,由于雷暴,2018年6月12日至15日在印度西部地区发生了多次沙尘暴。这导致了灰尘从表面的清除。灰尘进入高层空气是由于大量湍流动能的产生,这是由于高空冷却空气的负浮力和下部行星边界层中的对流浮力产生的强风切变的函数。高扬尘达到了明显的垂直高度,并向印度北部/西北部/东北部平移。同时,这些尘埃是由与上层喷流有关的西北风携带的,这些尘埃将尘埃推向当时发生降雨的尼泊尔上空。因此,这导致了尼泊尔的浑雨。高扬尘达到了明显的垂直高度,并向印度北部/西北部/东北部平移。同时,这些尘埃是由与上层喷流有关的西北风携带的,这些尘埃将尘埃推向当时发生降雨的尼泊尔上空。因此,这导致了尼泊尔的浑雨。高扬尘达到了明显的垂直高度,并向印度北部/西北部/东北部平移。同时,这些尘埃是由与上层喷流有关的西北风携带的,这些尘埃将尘埃推向当时发生降雨的尼泊尔上空。因此,这导致了尼泊尔的浑雨。