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Life tables of two newly discovered parasitoid wasps, Muscidifura similadanacus and M. sinesensilla (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), reared on Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae)
Biocontrol Science and Technology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1080/09583157.2020.1766418
Meng-Qing Gao 1 , Jian-Qiu Cheng 1 , Wei Hu 1 , Deng Pan 1 , Hui Xiao 2 , Hao-Yuan Hu 1

ABSTRACT Parasitoids of Muscidifurax spp. are of great value in the biological control of Musca domestica, a harmful pest. In this study, the life tables of two newly discovered parasitoid wasps, M. similadanacus and M. sinesensilla (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), were constructed using pupae of M. domestica as the host at 25°C in the laboratory. The parameters of the life tables were calculated and analysed. The differences in lifespan, oviposition period, offspring yield and population growth data between the two species were compared. For the same two species of parasitoids, the net reproductive rate (R0 ) was 123.49 and 38.26, intrinsic rate of increase (rm ) 0.23 and 0.20, finite rate of increase (λ) 1.25 and 1.22, generation time (T) 21.35 and 18.69, and the population doubling time (DT) 3.07 and 3.55, respectively. The results obtained by the jackknife method showed that there were differences in population growth parameters between the two species. M. similadanacus had relatively larger R0 , rm , λ and longer T. Our results suggest that M. similadanacus can be used as a biological control agent for M. domestica, and M. sinesensilla has a potential role in controlling M. domestica.


两种新发现的寄生蜂的生命表,Muscidifura similadanacus 和 M. sinesensilla(膜翅目:Pteromalidae),饲养在家蝇(双翅目:Muscidae)上

摘要 Muscidifurax spp 的寄生蜂。对家蝇(一种有害害虫)的生物防治具有重要价值。在本研究中,以家蝇的蛹为宿主,在实验室 25°C 条件下构建了两种新发现的寄生蜂 M. similadanacus 和 M. sinesensilla(膜翅目:Pteromalidae)的生命表。计算和分析了寿命表的参数。比较了两个物种在寿命、产卵期、后代产量和种群增长数据方面的差异。对于相同的两种寄生蜂,净繁殖率(R0)分别为123.49和38.26,内在增长率(rm)0.23和0.20,有限增长率(λ)1.25和1.22,世代时间(T)21.35和18.69 ,种群倍增时间 (DT) 分别为 3.07 和 3.55。折刀法得到的结果表明,两个物种之间的种群增长参数存在差异。M. similadanacus 具有相对较大的R0 、rm 、λ 和较长的T。我们的研究结果表明M. similadanacus 可作为M.domestica 的生物防治剂,M. sinesensilla 具有防治M.domestica 的潜在作用。