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Appropriate adults: Their experiences and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Research in Developmental Disabilities ( IF 3.000 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103675
Joanne Richards 1 , Rebecca Milne 1

An appropriate adult (AA) is required by law, to support juveniles and vulnerable adults during custody procedures. This paper explored the opinions and knowledge of AAs and how the characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) could disadvantage an individual within a police interview. A questionnaire was administered to AAs who had received training to carry out their duties (N = 55). AAs were asked a number of questions concerning suspects with ASD. Overall, the questionnaire found that AAs had some awareness of the key features of ASD. However, AAs were less aware of the possible impact these characteristics could have upon the interview process. Nevertheless, when asked about actual practice, fifteen incidents were reported where it was deemed that the characteristics of ASD disrupted interview procedures. For example, it was reported that suspects with ASD displayed repetitive and rigid behaviour patterns that interfered with the flow of the interview. Encouragingly, the self-reported data suggested that AAs were able to respond effectively to these actual incidents. That withstanding it is suggested that AA training should include information about how those with ASD might be at a disadvantage within the forensic interview environment and outline strategies that AAs could use to help a person with ASD fully engage within the criminal justice process.



法律要求适当的成年人(AA),以在羁押程序中支持少年和弱势成年人。本文探讨了AA的见解和知识,以及自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的特征如何在警察采访中使个人处于不利地位。向接受过培训以履行职责的机管局发放了调查表(N = 55)。向AA询问了许多与ASD嫌疑人有关的问题。总体而言,调查问卷发现AA对ASD的关键特征有所了解。但是,AA很少意识到这些特征可能对面试过程产生的影响。但是,当被问及实际做法时,据报告有15起事件被认为是ASD的特征干扰了采访程序。例如,据报道,患有自闭症的嫌疑人表现出重复和刻板的行为方式,干扰了采访的进行。令人鼓舞的是,自我报告的数据表明AA能够有效应对这些实际事件。有鉴于此,建议机管局的培训应包括有关法医采访人员在法医面谈环境中如何处于不利地位的信息,并概述机管局可用来帮助机能障碍者充分参与刑事司法程序的策略。