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QoS evaluation model based on intelligent fuzzy system for vehicular ad hoc networks
Computing ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s00607-020-00820-x
Abir Mchergui , Tarek Moulahi , Salem Nasri

Supporting the Quality of Service (QoS) for broadcasting techniques in Vehicular Ad hoc NETetworks (VANETs) is a primordial concern. Qualitatively, QoS is an aspect reflecting the network performance, but quantitatively, it is a function of multiple parameters such as end-to-end delay, packet loss ratio and overhead. These parameters are changing over time and according to adopted protocols. Therefore, it is very difficult to estimate with a crisp value the system QoS. Besides, there is a lack of technical tools for modelling, measuring and comparing the level of QoS performed by different broadcasting protocols under different network constraints. This paper proposes FUZZYVAN-QoS a holistic model based on a fuzzy system simplifying this problem and going through discussing its dependency on different Vehicular Ad hoc NETtwork (VANET) services and applications types. Then, we use a case study; applied on multiple VANET broadcasting protocols, to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.



支持车载自组织网络 (VANET) 中广播技术的服务质量 (QoS) 是一个首要问题。定性地,QoS是反映网络性能的一个方面,但定量地,它是端到端延迟、丢包率和开销等多个参数的函数。这些参数随着时间和根据采用的协议而变化。因此,很难用一个清晰​​的值来估计系统 QoS。此外,缺乏用于建模、测量和比较不同广播协议在不同网络约束下执行的 QoS 水平的技术工具。本文提出了 FUZZYVAN-QoS 一个基于模糊系统的整体模型,简化了这个问题,并讨论了它对不同车辆自组织网络 (VANET) 服务和应用程序类型的依赖。然后,我们使用案例研究;应用于多个 VANET 广播协议,以说明所提出模型的有效性。