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Effectiveness and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants versus Warfarin in Obese Patients with Acute Venous Thromboembolism.
Pharmacotherapy ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1002/phar.2411

In Coons et al.,1 the numbers corresponding to each group in Table 2 columns 2 and 3 were inverted. The Warfarin group should be (n = 1208) and the DOAC group should be (n = 632). Below is the correct presentation:

Table 2. Types of Bleeding‐Related Hospital Readmissions and Emergency Department Visits
Type of Bleeda a Nonelective readmission plus the presence of a primary admission ICD‐9‐CM or ICD‐10‐CM code for bleeding within 1 year of the index venous thromboembolism admission by treatment group.
Warfarin Group (n = 1208) DOAC Group (n = 632) p Value
Total bleeding events 14 (1.2) 11 (1.7) 0.31b b The χ2 test was used for categorical data.
Gastrointestinal 7 4
Epistaxis 1 0
Genitourinary 2 5
Intracranial/subarachnoid/subdural 1 0
Hemoptysis 1 2
Injury 2 0
  • Data are no. (%) of patients or nos. of patients.
  • a Nonelective readmission plus the presence of a primary admission ICD‐9‐CM or ICD‐10‐CM code for bleeding within 1 year of the index venous thromboembolism admission by treatment group.
  • b The χ2 test was used for categorical data.

The authors apologize for this error.



在Coons等人的文章1中,对应于表2第2列和第3列中每个组的数字被颠倒了。华法林组应为(n = 1208),而DOAC组应为(n = 632)。以下是正确的演示:

出血的类型 a非 选择性再入院,再加上一次主要的入院ICD-9-CM或ICD-10-CM代码,用于治疗组静脉血栓栓塞指数入院1年内的出血。
华法林集团(n = 1208) DOAC集团(n = 632) p值
总出血事件 14(1.2) 11(1.7) 0.31 b b 的χ 2被用于分类数据测试。
胃肠道 7 4
鼻出血 1个 0
泌尿生殖 2 5
颅内/蛛网膜下腔/硬膜下 1个 0
咯血 1个 2
受伤 2 0
  • 数据没有。(%)患者或否。的患者。
  • a非 选择性再入院,再加上一次主要的入院ICD-9-CM或ICD-10-CM代码,用于治疗组静脉血栓栓塞指数入院1年内的出血。
  • b 的χ 2被用于分类数据测试。

