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Bioglass-based scaffolds coated with silver nanoparticles: Synthesis, processing and antimicrobial activity.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-18 , DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.36996
Rodrigo L M S Oliveira 1 , Lucas Barbosa 1 , Carolina R Hurtado 2, 3 , Lucas de P Ramos 4 , Thaís L A Montanheiro 5 , Luciane D Oliveira 4 , Dayane B Tada 2 , Eliandra de Sousa Trichês 1

Over the past few years, several tridimensional synthetic bone grafts, known as scaffolds, are being developed to overcome the autologous grafts limitations. Among the materials used on the production of scaffolds, the 45S5 bioglass stands out due to its capacity of bonding to hard and soft tissues. Silver nanoparticles are well‐known for their antimicrobial properties and their incorporation on the scaffold may promote its antimicrobial response, avoiding microorganism proliferation on the materials surface. This study proposes a simple way to coat 45S5 bioglass‐based scaffolds with silver nanoparticles. The scaffolds were obtained by the sponge replication technique and the silver nanoparticles were incorporated by soaking under ultrasonic stirring. The antimicrobial activity of the scaffolds was analyzed against three different microbial strains: S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans. Due to the heat treatment during the scaffold production, the bioglass crystalized mainly in a sodium calcium silicate phase, forming a glass–ceramic scaffold. The silver nanoparticles were coated in a well‐distributed manner throughout the scaffold, while avoiding their aggregation. The coated scaffold inhibited the growth of all the analyzed microorganism. Therefore, the use of ultrasonic stirring to coat the bioglass scaffold with silver nanoparticles showed to be an efficient way to promote its antimicrobial response.



在过去的几年中,正在开发几种立体合成骨移植物,称为支架,以克服自体移植物的局限性。在用于生产支架的材料中,45S5 生物玻璃因其与硬组织和软组织的粘合能力而脱颖而出。银纳米粒子以其抗菌特性而闻名,它们在支架上的加入可以促进其抗菌反应,避免材料表面的微生物增殖。这项研究提出了一种用银纳米粒子涂覆 45S5 生物玻璃基支架的简单方法。通过海绵复制技术获得支架,并通过在超声搅拌下浸泡来掺入银纳米颗粒。金黄色葡萄球菌铜绿假单胞菌白色念珠菌。由于支架生产过程中的热处理,生物玻璃主要在硅酸钙钠相中结晶,形成玻璃陶瓷支架。银纳米颗粒以均匀分布的方式涂覆在整个支架上,同时避免它们聚集。包被的支架抑制了所有被分析微生物的生长。因此,使用超声波搅拌用银纳米颗粒涂覆生物玻璃支架被证明是促进其抗菌反应的有效方法。