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Prophylactic effect of resveratrol and piperine on pristane-induced murine model of lupus-like disease.
Inflammopharmacology ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10787-020-00717-3
Naveet Pannu 1 , Archana Bhatnagar 1


Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multisystem autoimmune disease. Apart from usual treatments, approximately 50% of lupus patients use complementary medicine. Resveratrol is a phytoalexin with various pharmacological properties. We hypothesised that prophylactic treatment with resveratrol may abrogate manifestations in pristane-induced murine model of lupus-like disease and piperine; a bio-enhancer of resveratrol may enhance these properties. The prophylactic effect of resveratrol (25 mg/kg body weight: P-Res) alone and in combination with piperine (2.5 mg/kg body weight: P-RP) were assessed. P-Res and P-RP were equally efficient in mitigating oxidative stress (enzyme activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and level of reduced glutathione, lipid peroxidation, and reactive oxygen species). Inflammation is associated with an increase in inflammatory cytokines. IL-6 was decreased by 71.60% with P-Res, and TNF-α was reduced by 59.70% with P-Res and 62.66% with P-RP (p < 0.05). Prevention of renal pathologies was evident by reduction in creatinine level by P-RP (p < 0.05) and abrogation of proteinuria (P-Res and P-RP). P-RP was efficient in restoring histopathology of liver and lungs and decreased immune complexes in lungs. P-Res proved more beneficial by extenuating lipogranulomas, histopathological manifestations in kidney, liver, and lungs, and eliminating immune complexes in liver and lungs. None of the treatments could regulate auto-antibody formation. Resveratrol decreases the susceptibility of developing pathogenesis in murine model of lupus-like disease. The results also conclude that addressing the bioavailability of resveratrol using it in combination with piperine does not prove more efficacious in preventing lupus-associated pathologies than resveratrol alone.

Graphic abstract




系统性红斑狼疮是一种多系统自身免疫性疾病。除常规治疗外,约50%的狼疮患者使用补充药物。白藜芦醇是一种具有多种药理特性的植物抗毒素。我们假设白藜芦醇的预防性治疗可能会废除在rist烷诱导的狼疮样疾病和胡椒碱鼠模型中的表现;白藜芦醇的生物增强剂可以增强这些特性。评估了白藜芦醇(25 mg / kg体重:P-Res)的单独和与胡椒碱(2.5 mg / kg体重:P-RP)的预防作用。P-Res和P-RP在缓解氧化应激(过氧化氢酶的酶活性,超氧化物歧化酶,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和还原型谷胱甘肽的水平,脂质过氧化和活性氧)方面同样有效。炎症与炎症细胞因子的增加有关。P-Res可使IL-6降低71.60%,P-Res可使TNF-α降低59.70%,P-RP降低TNF-α62.66%(p  <0.05)。通过P-RP降低肌酐水平可以明显预防肾脏疾病(p <0.05)和蛋白尿废除(P-Res和P-RP)。P-RP有效地恢复了肝脏和肺部的组织病理学,并减少了肺部的免疫复合物。P-Res通过减轻脂肪肉芽肿,肾脏,肝脏和肺部的组织病理学表现以及消除肝脏和肺部的免疫复合物而被证明更有益。没有一种疗法可以调节自身抗体的形成。白藜芦醇降低了狼疮样疾病小鼠模型中发病机理的敏感性。结果还得出结论,与白藜芦醇联合使用以解决白藜芦醇与胡椒碱的生物利用度对预防狼疮相关的病状没有比单独的白藜芦醇更有效。

