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Identifying pathways to reduce discrepancies between desired and provided ecosystem services
Ecosystem Services ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101119
Dalal E.L. Hanna , Dirk J. Roux , Bianca Currie , Elena M. Bennett

Discrepancies between desired ecosystem services (the types, amounts and qualities of services a person would ideally like to benefit from) and the actual provision of ecosystem services (services actually obtained) reflect people’s inability to receive the benefits they would like from nature, and can lead to conflict. We developed a novel process that combined stakeholder analysis, a survey, and a workshop to generate information about discrepancies between desired and provided ecosystem services, and facilitate community-based development of ideas for actions to reduce these discrepancies. We applied this process in a region of Quebec, Canada, where our results show how community members benefit from numerous ecosystem services on diverse property types, but they benefit unequally. Using our process, community members developed ideas for actions to reduce most identified discrepancies. Actions centered around the following themes: developing infrastructure; controlling access; gaining status; encouraging involvement; adjusting natural infrastructure; increasing services; and, information transmission. Findings related to our process also emerged: different knowledge types complement each other to create a broader picture of how people benefit from nature; assessing satisfaction helps uncover nuances associated with discrepancies; knowledge co-creation helps develop ideas for actions to reduce discrepancies; and, considering different perspectives can help avoid trade-offs.



理想的生态系统服务(一个人理想地希望从中受益的服务的类型,数量和质量)与生态系统服务的实际提供(实际获得的服务)之间的差异反映了人们无法从自然界中获得他们想要的收益,并且可以导致冲突。我们开发了一个新颖的过程,将利益相关者的分析,调查和研讨会相结合,以生成有关所需生态系统服务和提供的生态系统服务之间差异的信息,并促进基于社区的想法的制定,以减少这些差异。我们在加拿大魁北克的一个地区应用了此过程,我们的结果显示了社区成员如何从多种针对不同财产类型的生态系统服务中受益,但他们却无法平等受益。使用我们的流程 社区成员提出了减少大多数已发现差异的行动构想。行动围绕以下主题:发展基础设施;控制访问;获得地位;鼓励参与;调整自然基础设施;增加服务;以及信息传输。与我们的过程有关的发现也出现了:不同的知识类型相互补充,以更广泛地描绘人们如何从自然中受益。评估满意度有助于发现与差异有关的细微差别;知识共创有助于发展行动思路,以减少差异;并且,考虑不同的观点可以帮助避免取舍。鼓励参与;调整自然基础设施;增加服务;以及信息传输。与我们的过程有关的发现也出现了:不同的知识类型相互补充,以更广泛地描绘人们如何从自然中受益。评估满意度有助于发现与差异有关的细微差别;知识共创有助于发展行动思路,以减少差异;并且考虑不同的观点可以帮助避免取舍。鼓励参与;调整自然基础设施;增加服务;以及信息传输。与我们的过程有关的发现也出现了:不同的知识类型相互补充,以更广泛地描绘人们如何从自然中受益。评估满意度有助于发现与差异有关的细微差别;知识共创有助于发展行动思路,以减少差异;并且考虑不同的观点可以帮助避免取舍。知识共创有助于发展行动思路,以减少差异;并且考虑不同的观点可以帮助避免取舍。知识共创有助于发展行动思路,以减少差异;并且考虑不同的观点可以帮助避免取舍。
