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Enigma: the spoils of Gustave Bertrand, or “par où tout a commencé”
Cryptologia ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1080/01611194.2020.1736205
Jean-François Bouchaudy


As early as 1931, Gustave Bertrand of the French intelligence services received from the traitor Hans Thilo Schmidt documents concerning the Enigma cipher machine. This machine was intended to equip all the German military forces. This is the beginning of an epic that has probably changed the History. The main documents collected by Bertrand have not been destroyed and are available in the archives of the French Army (SHD). This article describes and analyzes each of these documents, including the evolution of the Enigma and its procedures related in these documents. In conclusion, the article lists the findings that come from reading these originals and first and foremost the impact of having a cipher message with its plaintext on the British attempt to recover Enigma rotors wiring. Oddly enough, it seems that this message was not used by the Poles to break the Enigma.


谜:古斯塔夫伯特兰的战利品,或“par où tout a commencé”


早在 1931 年,法国情报部门的古斯塔夫·伯特兰 (Gustave Bertrand) 从叛徒汉斯·蒂洛·施密特 (Hans Thilo Schmidt) 那里收到了有关 Enigma 密码机的文件。这台机器旨在装备所有德国军队。这是一部可能改变历史的史诗的开始。Bertrand 收集的主要文件尚未销毁,可在法国陆军 (SHD) 的档案中找到。本文描述并分析了这些文档中的每一个,包括 Enigma 的演变及其与这些文档相关的程序。总之,文章列出了阅读这些原件的发现,首先是拥有带有明文的密文对英国试图恢复 Enigma 转子接线的影响。说来也怪,
