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The effects of cattle ranching on the communities of necrophagous flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae, Mesembrinellidae and Sarcophagidae) in Northeastern Brazil
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-020-00246-y
José Roberto Pereira de Sousa , Fernando da Silva Carvalho-Filho , Leandro Juen , Maria Cristina Esposito

Most of the ongoing decline in biodiversity, worldwide, is due to human activities, in particular, the expansion of agriculture. In this context, we highlight the need for studies of the taxonomic groups that can provide insights into the dynamics of the ecological communities facing anthropogenic impacts. For this, we evaluated the effects of the environmental changes caused by cattle ranching on five phytophysiognomies (Cerrado Savanna, Amazon Forest, Palm Forest, Marshland, and Mangrove) in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. We tested the hypothesis that the species composition, abundance, and richness of the families Calliphoridae, Mesembrinellidae, and Sarcophagidae (Diptera) are affected by ranching in each of the phytophysiognomies. Specimens were collected at 90 sites, including 45 anthropic sites (cattle ranches) and 45 preserved habitats, using traps baited with bovine lung. We collected 15,023 calliphorids (11 species), 10,772 sarcophagids (52 species), and 241 mesembrinellids (one species). The results indicated significant differences between anthropic and preserved habitats in the species composition, abundance, and richness of sarcophagids, in particular in the Amazon Forest, where the highest species richness was recorded in the anthropic environments. In the case of the calliphorids and mesembrinellids, by contrast, significant differences were found in species composition and abundance in only in four of the five phytophysiognomies analyzed (excluding the Cerrado Savanna), while species richness only varied in the palm forest and marshland. In all cases, lower values were recorded in the anthropic environments. These results indicate that the insects of the families Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, and Mesembrinellidae respond differentially to the anthropic activity (cattle ranching) and can be used to evaluate this type of anthropogenic impact systematically. In addition, the Amazon Forest was the phytophysiognomy most impacted by this activity in the Brazilian state of Maranhão.


养牛场对巴西东北部食死蝇(双翅目:Calliphoridae、Mesembrinellidae 和 Sarcophagidae)群落的影响

世界范围内生物多样性持续下降的大部分原因是人类活动,特别是农业的扩张。在这种情况下,我们强调需要对分类群进行研究,以深入了解面临人为影响的生态群落的动态。为此,我们评估了养牛场引起的环境变化对巴西马拉尼昂州五种植物地貌(塞拉多热带稀树草原、亚马逊森林、棕榈林、沼泽地和红树林)的影响。我们检验了以下假设:Calliphoridae、Mesembrinellidae 和 Sarcophagidae(双翅目)的物种组成、丰度和丰富度受每个植物地貌中的牧场影响。在 90 个地点收集了标本,包括 45 个人类遗址(牛牧场)和 45 个保存的栖息地,使用以牛肺为诱饵的陷阱。我们收集了 15,023 种 calliphorids (11 种)、10,772 sarcophagids (52 种) 和 241 mesembrinellids (1 种)。结果表明,人类和保存的栖息地在石棺的物种组成、丰度和丰富度方面存在显着差异,特别是在亚马逊森林中,人类环境中记录的物种丰富度最高。相比之下,在 calliphorids 和 mesembrinellids 的情况下,仅在所分析的五个植物地貌中的四个(不包括 Cerrado Savanna)中发现物种组成和丰度存在显着差异,而物种丰富度仅在棕榈林和沼泽地有所不同。在所有情况下,在人类环境中记录的值都较低。这些结果表明,Sarcophagidae、Calliphoridae 和 Mesembrinellidae 科的昆虫对人类活动(养牛)的反应不同,可用于系统地评估此类人为影响。此外,亚马逊森林是巴西马拉尼昂州受该活动影响最大的植物地貌。