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New insights into the potential mechanisms of spermatogenic failure in patients with idiopathic azoospermia.
Molecular Human Reproduction ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1093/molehr/gaaa033
Zhonglin Cai 1 , Jianzhong Zhang 1 , Jian Xiong 1 , Chengquan Ma 1 , Bin Yang 2 , Hongjun Li 1

Idiopathic azoospermia (IA) refers to azoospermia without a clear aetiology. Due to the unclear aetiology and pathological mechanism of IA, there is no effective treatment for IA. The development of assisted reproductive and microsperm extraction technologies has brought hope to patients with IA with fertility problems. However, there are still many patients with IA whose testes lack healthy sperm, causing infertility. Therefore, it is key to identify how testicular spermatogenic failure can be reversed to promote spermatogenesis in patients with IA to resolve fertility problems; these goals are a great challenge in reproductive medicine. The underlying genetic factors seem to be important pathological factors of IA. Understanding the role of genetic factors in the pathological mechanism of spermatogenic failure in patients with IA is of great value for future studies and treatments and is also an important reference for the reproductive health of males and their offspring. A method combining sequencing technology and bioinformatics analysis is an important means to understand the genetic pathological mechanisms. We used bioinformatics analysis to study the public human IA dataset. We found that the pathogenic mechanism of IA may be related to abnormal ciliary structure and function and disrupted RNA metabolism in spermatogenic cells. Disrupted m6A regulation of spermatogenesis may be an important pathological mechanism of IA and warrants attention. Finally, we screened for key genes and potential therapeutic drugs to determine future research directions.



特发性无精子症 (IA) 是指没有明确病因的无精子症。由于IA的病因和病理机制尚不明确,IA尚无有效的治疗方法。辅助生殖和微精子提取技术的发展为有生育问题的IA患者带来了希望。然而,仍有许多IA患者的睾丸缺乏健康的精子,导致不孕。因此,确定如何逆转睾丸生精障碍以促进 IA 患者的精子发生以解决生育问题是关键;这些目标是生殖医学的一大挑战。潜在的遗传因素似乎是 IA 的重要病理因素。了解遗传因素在IA患者生精衰竭病理机制中的作用,对今后的研究和治疗具有重要价值,对男性及其后代的生殖健康也有重要参考价值。将测序技术与生物信息学分析相结合的方法是了解遗传病理机制的重要手段。我们使用生物信息学分析来研究公共人类 IA 数据集。我们发现IA的发病机制可能与纤毛结构和功能异常以及生精细胞RNA代谢紊乱有关。精子发生的 m6A 调控中断可能是 IA 的重要病理机制,值得关注。最后,我们筛选了关键基因和潜在的治疗药物,以确定未来的研究方向。