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The JuliaConnectoR: a functionally oriented interface for integrating Julia in R
arXiv - CS - Mathematical Software Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: arxiv-2005.06334
Stefan Lenz, Maren Hackenberg, Harald Binder

Like many groups considering the new programming language Julia, we faced the challenge of accessing the algorithms that we develop in Julia from R. Therefore, we developed the R package JuliaConnectoR, available from the CRAN repository and GitHub (https://github.com/stefan-m-lenz/JuliaConnectoR), in particular for making advanced deep learning tools available. For maintainability and stability, we decided to base communication between R and Julia on TCP, using an optimized binary format for exchanging data. Our package also specifically contains features that allow for a convenient interactive use in R. This makes it easy to develop R extensions with Julia or to simply call functionality from Julia packages in R. With its functionally oriented design, the JuliaConnectoR enables a clean programming style by avoiding state in Julia that is not visible in the R workspace. We illustrate the further features of our package with code examples, and also discuss advantages over the two alternative packages JuliaCall and XRJulia. Finally, we demonstrate the usage of the package with a more extensive example for employing neural ordinary differential equations, a recent deep learning technique that has received much attention. This example also provides more general guidance for integrating deep learning techniques from Julia into R.


JuliaConnectoR:一个面向功能的接口,用于在 R 中集成 Julia

与许多考虑使用新编程语言 Julia 的团队一样,我们面临着从 R 访问我们在 Julia 中开发的算法的挑战。因此,我们开发了 R 包 JuliaConnectoR,可从 CRAN 存储库和 GitHub (https://github.com) 获得/stefan-m-lenz/JuliaConnectoR),特别是用于提供高级深度学习工具。为了可维护性和稳定性,我们决定将 R 和 Julia 之间的通信基于 TCP,使用优化的二进制格式来交换数据。我们的包还特别包含允许在 R 中方便的交互使用的功能。这使得使用 Julia 开发 R 扩展或简单地从 R 中的 Julia 包调用功能变得容易。凭借其面向功能的设计,JuliaConnectoR 通过避免在 R 工作区中不可见的 Julia 状态来实现简洁的编程风格。我们用代码示例说明了我们包的更多功能,并讨论了与两个替代包 JuliaCall 和 XRJulia 相比的优势。最后,我们通过使用神经常微分方程的更广泛示例展示了该包的用法,这是一种最近备受关注的深度学习技术。此示例还为将 Julia 的深度学习技术集成到 R 中提供了更一般的指导。我们通过使用神经常微分方程的更广泛示例展示了该包的用法,这是一种最近备受关注的深度学习技术。此示例还为将 Julia 的深度学习技术集成到 R 中提供了更一般的指导。我们通过使用神经常微分方程的更广泛示例展示了该包的用法,这是一种最近备受关注的深度学习技术。此示例还为将 Julia 的深度学习技术集成到 R 中提供了更一般的指导。