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Occam’s razor, archeoprimatology, and the ‘blue’ monkeys of Thera: a reply to Pareja et al. (2020)
Primates ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10329-020-00825-2
Bernardo Urbani 1 , Dionisios Youlatos 2

Recently, Pareja et al. (Primates, 61:159–168, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-019-00778-1 2020 ) published a report suggesting that the monkeys represented by Minoans in Room 6 of Building Complex Beta at Akrotiri, Thera (present-day Greece) allegedly represented Hanuman or gray langurs ( Semnopithecus spp.). This conjecture was based only on the posture of the tail, as it might be reminiscent of those observed in these Asian monkeys. In order to examine this hypothesis, we performed a thorough analysis of tail postures in both langurs and vervet monkeys ( Chlorocebus spp.), a detailed description of body and facial characteristics of the Minoan painted monkeys, and an exhaustive review of the current evidence regarding Minoan archeoprimatological frescos and portable objects as well as proposed cultural and trading contacts between the Bronze Age Aegean, Egypt, the Levant, Near East, and the Indus River Valley. Our findings show that their assumption is unfounded and that the monkeys depicted on the walls of the referred fresco, as well as others related frescoes from Thera and Crete, are of African origin and more specifically belong to Chlorocebus spp. and Papio spp. In all cases, hopefully Pareja et al. ( 2020 ) and this reply will serve to stimulate further archeoprimatological studies.


奥卡姆剃刀、古灵长类动物学和 Thera 的“蓝色”猴子:对 Pareja 等人的回复。(2020)

最近,Pareja 等人。(Primates, 61:159–168, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10329-019-00778-1 2020 )发表的报告表明,以米诺斯人为代表的猴子在锡拉阿克罗蒂里的 Building Complex Beta 6 室(现在的希腊)据称代表哈努曼或灰叶猴(Semnopithecus spp.)。这个猜想仅基于尾巴的姿势,因为它可能让人想起在这些亚洲猴子身上观察到的那些。为了检验这一假设,我们对叶猴和黑长尾猴 (Chlorocebus spp.) 的尾巴姿势进行了彻底分析,详细描述了米诺斯彩绘猴子的身体和面部特征,并对有关米诺斯原始动物壁画和便携式物品的当前证据以及青铜时代爱琴海、埃及、黎凡特、近东和印度河流域之间拟议的文化和贸易联系进行了详尽的审查。我们的研究结果表明,他们的假设是没有根据的,并且在提到的壁画的墙壁上描绘的猴子,以及来自 Thera 和 Crete 的其他相关壁画,都是非洲血统,更具体地属于 Chlorocebus spp。和 Papio spp。在所有情况下,希望 Pareja 等人。(2020 年),这一答复将有助于促进进一步的始祖动物学研究。以及来自 Thera 和 Crete 的其他相关壁画,都是非洲血统,更具体地属于 Chlorocebus spp。和 Papio spp。在所有情况下,希望 Pareja 等人。(2020 年),这一答复将有助于促进进一步的始祖动物学研究。以及来自 Thera 和 Crete 的其他相关壁画,都是非洲血统,更具体地属于 Chlorocebus spp。和 Papio spp。在所有情况下,希望 Pareja 等人。(2020 年),这一答复将有助于促进进一步的始祖动物学研究。