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Some Theory for the Conservation of Contemporary Art
Studies in Conservation ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2020.1733790
Rosario Llamas-Pacheco 1

ABSTRACT This article analyzes different ontological categories and how they relate to the conservation of contemporary art. Faced with the necessity of apprehending the work of art from an ontological point of view, a theoretical approach is made on the concepts that most affect the conservation of contemporary art: quiddity, truth-authenticity, identity, quality, consistency, and interpretation. These are analyzed from an empirical perspective, based on the experience of conservation and restoration. Since conserving and restoring require making decisions that will affect the material and conceptual plane of the works, several possible paradigms that must be introduced into the deontological code of the profession are analyzed. In addition, the study of a new paradigm is provided, that of the death of the work of art. This paradigm can serve as a frame of reference, given the impossibility of bringing the ‘Truth’ of the artwork into the world of the sensitive. This may occur due to different conditioning factors and limitations of a material, technical, or intentional type, which affect issues that were once established as essential to the entity. On the other hand, different types of time that are related to the conservation of contemporary art are studied: biological time, the eternal present of the work, time as a constructor agent, and destructive time as a facilitator of the appearance of ruin or ruin-relic in the work of art.



摘要 本文分析了不同的本体论类别以及它们与当代艺术保护的关系。面对从本体论的角度理解艺术作品的必要性,对影响当代艺术保护的最重要的概念进行了理论研究:狡猾性、真实性、身份、质量、一致性和解释。基于保护和恢复的经验,从经验的角度对这些进行了分析。由于保护和恢复需要做出会影响作品的材料和概念平面的决定,因此分析了必须引入该专业义务论代码的几种可能范式。此外,还提供了对新范式的研究,即对艺术作品死亡的研究。鉴于不可能将艺术品的“真相”带入敏感世界,这种范式可以作为参考框架。这可能是由于不同的条件因素和材料、技术或有意类型的限制而发生的,这些因素会影响曾经被确定为对实体至关重要的问题。另一方面,研究了与当代艺术保护相关的不同类型的时间:生物时间、作品的永恒存在、作为构造代理的时间以及作为废墟或废墟出现的促进者的破坏性时间- 艺术品中的遗物。影响曾经被确定为对实体至关重要的问题。另一方面,研究了与当代艺术保护相关的不同类型的时间:生物时间、作品的永恒存在、作为构造代理的时间以及作为废墟或废墟出现的促进者的破坏性时间- 艺术品中的遗物。影响曾经被确定为对实体至关重要的问题。另一方面,研究了与当代艺术保护相关的不同类型的时间:生物时间、作品的永恒存在、作为构造代理的时间以及作为废墟或废墟出现的促进者的破坏性时间- 艺术品中的遗物。