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Developing infant gut microflora and complementary nutrition
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-06 , DOI: 10.1080/03036758.2020.1718716
Caroline C. Kim 1 , Shanthi G. Parkar 1 , Pramod K. Gopal 1, 2

ABSTRACT Human infants are born with sparse microflora in their gastrointestinal tracts. Acquisition of pioneer bacteria and their initial colonisation are affected by a number of factors, including mode of birth, feeding practices, exposure to antibiotics, and environmental conditions. Subsequent diversification and development of the microbiota continues dynamically until it reaches maturity when the infant is around 3 years old. An important window of opportunity to affect the structure of developing microflora is likely to coincide with the weaning period when a gradual transition in diet from milk-based infant feeding to first family-based solid foods occurs. Although the ability of many dietary factors to modulate the composition of gastrointestinal microflora is well established, it is not so well understood in children. Moreover, there are cultural, economic, varying feeding practices, and geographical factors that play roles in the choice of complementary foods in different regions of the world. We provide a review of recent literature on development of infant microflora and how complementary feeding practices from different cultures may affect the infant gut microbiota during early childhood.



摘要 人类婴儿出生时胃肠道中的微生物菌群稀少。先锋细菌的获得及其最初的定植受到多种因素的影响,包括出生方式、喂养方式、接触抗生素和环境条件。随后微生物群的多样化和发展动态地持续下去,直到婴儿 3 岁左右达到成熟。影响正在发育的微生物群落结构的重要机会窗口很可能与断奶期相吻合,此时饮食从以牛奶为基础的婴儿喂养逐渐过渡到以家庭为基础的第一次固体食物。尽管许多饮食因素调节胃肠道微生物群落组成的能力已得到充分证实,但在儿童中还不是很清楚。而且,在世界不同地区,文化、经济、不同的喂养方式和地理因素在选择辅食方面发挥着作用。我们回顾了最近有关婴儿微生物群落发展的文献,以及来自不同文化的补充喂养做法如何影响幼儿期婴儿肠道微生物群。