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Emerging trends in science and education: introducing the 3Rs concepts into pre-college classrooms
Journal of Biological Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-21 , DOI: 10.1080/00219266.2020.1748688
Gertrude-Emilia Costin 1 , Adele Miller 1


The advancement of breakthrough concepts in science and their implementation in society can only be achieved by starting early with the education of new generations of scientists. The concept of ‘Replacement, Reduction and Refinement’ (the 3Rs) in regards to animal use was first described by Russell and Burch in 1959. The 3Rs have nowadays a broader scope than simply encouraging alternatives to animal testing by bridging the gap between traditional animal-based toxicology and emerging technologies: cell- and tissue-based, organ- or body-on-a-chip, in silico computer models, etc. However, these principles are still relatively new to younger generations although tremendous efforts have been made by industry, regulators and academic groups to implement them globally. This manuscript proposes the introduction in early education stages of modern concepts of toxicology focused on the 3Rs in regards to animals use for testing. To support our proposal, we present a valuable dataset demonstrating the interest of students and teachers alike to learn more about non-animal testing methods, the concepts of 3Rs and modern testing strategies that are human-relevant and take into consideration the ethics of animal experimentation.


科学和教育的新趋势:将 3R 概念引入大学预科课堂


只有尽早开始对新一代科学家的教育,才能实现科学突破性概念的进步及其在社会中的实施。1959 年,Russell 和 Burch 首次描述了关于动物使用的“替代、减少和改进”(3Rs)的概念。如今,3Rs 的范围比简单地通过弥合传统动物之间的差距来鼓励替代动物试验的范围更广基于毒理学和新兴技术:基于细胞和组织的、基于器官或身体的芯片、计算机模型等。然而,这些原理对于年轻一代来说仍然相对较新,尽管已经做出了巨大的努力行业、监管机构和学术团体在全球范围内实施它们。这份手稿建议在早期教育阶段引入现代毒理学概念,重点关注动物用于测试的 3R。为了支持我们的提议,我们提供了一个有价值的数据集,展示了学生和教师的兴趣,以了解更多关于非动物测试方法、3R 概念和与人类相关的现代测试策略,并考虑到动物实验的伦理.
