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Destination management systems’ adoption and management model: proposal of a framework
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1080/10919392.2020.1724765
João Estêvão 1 , Maria João Carneiro 2 , Leonor Teixeira 3

ABSTRACT The fast development in information and communication technologies transformed the tourism sector, raising relevant questions regarding the role of destination management organizations (DMOs) and the most appropriate way to implement and manage online platforms adopted by these organizations – destination management systems (DMSs). Nevertheless, the research concerning DMSs' adoption and management is scarce, mostly conceptual and highly fragmented, usually corresponding to theoretical discussions on a small set of adoption or management issues or to analysis of very specific examples of DMSs. This paper aims to overcome gaps in previous literature by deeply analyzing relevant factors for the adoption and management of this kind of systems. In-depth interviews were conducted with relevant organizations in DMS development and several American and European DMOs. The content analysis of the discourses resulted in a framework encompassing an adoption and management model – including reasons and challenges regarding DMSs’ adoption, management models, benefits resulting from DMS adoption – as well as current challenges and future perspectives for DMSs. The findings provide relevant theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, the paper highlights some discrepancies between the literature and the present study regarding the concept of DMSs, as well as reasons and challenges associated with their adoption and management. The need to rethink the role and management of these systems is also remarked. From a practical perspective, the framework proposed can be used by DMOs and other stakeholders engaged in the management of tourism destinations, in order to ensure the successful implementation and management of DMSs.



摘要 信息和通信技术的快速发展改变了旅游业,提出了有关目的地管理组织 (DMO) 的作用以及实施和管理这些组织采用的在线平台的最合适方式——目的地管理系统 (DMS) 的相关问题。然而,关于 DMS 的采用和管理的研究很少,主要是概念性的和高度分散的,通常对应于对一小部分采用或管理问题的理论讨论或对 DMS 非常具体的例子的分析。本文旨在通过深入分析此类系统采用和管理的相关因素来克服以往文献中的空白。与DMS开发的相关组织和几家美国和欧洲的DMO进行了深入访谈。对话语的内容分析产生了一个包含采用和管理模型的框架——包括关于采用 DMS 的原因和挑战、管理模型、采用 DMS 带来的好处——以及 DMS 当前面临的挑战和未来前景。研究结果提供了相关的理论和实践贡献。从理论上讲,本文强调了文献与本研究之间关于 DMS 概念的一些差异,以及与采用和管理相关的原因和挑战。还指出需要重新考虑这些系统的作用和管理。从实用的角度来说,