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Improving cropping systems reduces the carbon footprints of wheat-cotton production under different soil fertility levels
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2020.1720912
Zhanbiao Wang 1, 2 , Guoping Wang 1, 2 , Yingchun Han 1 , Lu Feng 1 , Zhengyi Fan 1 , Yaping Lei 1 , Beifang Yang 1 , Xiaofei Li 1 , Shiwu Xiong 1 , Fangfang Xing 1 , Minghua Xin 1 , Wenli Du 1 , Cundong Li 2 , Yabing Li 1

ABSTRACT A field experiment was performed to assess the carbon footprint (CF) of four cropping systems to identify the sustainable cropping system. The four cropping systems were cotton monoculture (CM), winter wheat intercropped with cotton (WIC), wheat cropping followed by transplanted cotton (WTC) and direct-seeded cotton after winter wheat harvest (WDC). The CF calculated per unit area (CFa), yield (CFy), biomass (CFb) and economic output (CFe) increased in the order CM < WIC < WTC < WDC in the low-fertility plot and WIC < WTC < WDC < CM in the high-fertility plot. The results indicated that CM was the best cropping system in the low-fertility plot and presented CFa, CFy, CFb and CFe values of 4848.14 kg CO2eq ha−1 a−1, 0.41 kg CO2eq kg−1 a−1, 0.17 kg CO2eq kg−1 a−1 and 0.06 kg CO2eq ¥ a−1, respectively, whereas WIC was the cropping system with the lowest CFs in the high-fertility plot and presented CFa, CFy, CFb and CFe values of 14,410.70 kg CO2eq ha−1 a−1, 1.31 kg CO2eq kg−1a−1, 0.53 kg CO2eq kg−1 a−1 and 0.34 kg CO2eq ¥−1a−1, respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that improving cropping systems provides a good option for reducing CF and consequently mitigating climate change. Abbreviations: GHG: greenhouse gas; LCA: life cycle assessment; CF: carbon footprint; CFa: The CF calculated per unit area; CFy: The CF calculated per yield; CFb: The CF calculated biomass; CFe: The CF calculated per unit economic output; CM: cotton monoculture cropping system; WIC: wheat intercropped with cotton cropping; WTC: wheat cropping followed by transplanted cotton; WDC: direct-seeded cotton after wheat cropping; IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; CO2eq: CO2 equivalent; SOC: soil organic carbon; PAS: publicly available specification



摘要进行了一项田间试验以评估四种种植系统的碳足迹 (CF),以确定可持续种植系统。四种种植系统是棉花单作(CM)、冬小麦与棉花间作(WIC)、小麦种植后移栽棉花(WTC)和冬小麦收获后直播棉花(WDC)。计算的单位面积 (CFa)、产量 (CFy)、生物量 (CFb) 和经济产出 (CFe) 的 CF 在低肥力地块中以 CM < WIC < WTC < WDC 和 WIC < WTC < WDC < CM 的顺序增加在高生育率地块。结果表明,CM 是低肥力地块中最好的种植系统,其 CFa、CFy、CFb 和 CFe 值为 4848.14 kg CO2eq ha-1 a-1、0.41 kg CO2eq kg-1 a-1、0.17 kg CO2eq kg−1 a−1 和 0.06 kg CO2eq ¥ a−1,分别为 而 WIC 是高肥力地块中 CFs 最低的种植系统,其 CFa、CFy、CFb 和 CFe 值为 14,410.70 kg CO2eq ha-1 a-1、1.31 kg CO2eq kg-1a-1、0.53 kg CO2eq kg −1 a−1 和 0.34 kg CO2eq ¥−1a−1,分别。因此,可以得出结论,改善种植系统为减少 CF 并因此缓解气候变化提供了一个很好的选择。缩写:GHG:温室气体;LCA:生命周期评估;CF:碳足迹;CFa:单位面积计算的CF;CFy:按产量计算的CF;CFb:CF 计算的生物量;CFe:单位经济产出计算的CF;CM:棉花单作种植系统;WIC:小麦与棉花间作;WTC:小麦种植后移栽棉花;WDC:小麦种植后的直播棉;IPCC:政府间气候变化专门委员会;CO2eq:二氧化碳当量;SOC:土壤有机碳;PAS:公开可用的规范