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Virtual reconstruction of the skull of Bernissartia fagesii and current understanding of the neosuchian–eusuchian transition
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-17 , DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2020.1731722
Jeremy E. Martin 1 , Thierry Smith 2 , Céline Salaviale 1 , Jerôme Adrien 3 , Massimo Delfino 4, 5

Since the description of Isisfordia duncani, a number of new extinct species and revisions of previously described species have prompted a variety of contradicting phylogenetic hypotheses on the topology of Neosuchia. As a consequence, a consensus on the rooting of Eusuchia in relation to other neosuchian clades has not been reached and the origin of the group remains unsettled. Exemplifying this, Bernissartia fagesii, from the Early Cretaceous of Belgium, has long been considered a key taxon for understanding the origin of Eusuchia, but more recent hypotheses found support for a more basal position, as an ally to goniopholidids, paralligatorids or atoposaurids. Because many details of the anatomy of the type specimen are hidden by glue and the sediment adhering to the fossils, a number of characters are pending confirmation. Based on computed tomography data, we extract bones of the cranium and mandibles, describe new characters and re-evaluate anatomical details in the lectotype specimen. Our phylogenetic analysis confirms that B. fagesii is a derived neosuchian, unrelated to atoposaurids, goniopholidids and paralligatorids. We recover B. fagesii and Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti in a basal position within Eusuchia, together with Susisuchidae, a group of gondwanan neosuchians containing Susisuchus and Isisfordia, which here form a polytomy with Hylaeochampsidae. The presence/absence of pterygoid-bound internal choanae cannot be used to fully resolve relationships at the neosuchian–eusuchian transition because of the variability of this character even at the familial level, as recently reported within susisuchids and bernissartiids. There is no doubt that true eusuchians were present in Laurasia as early as the Early Cretaceous, the hylaeochampsid Hylaeochampsa vectiana being the oldest (Barremian) undoubted representative. But whether the Eusuchia were also present in southern landmasses depends on solving the phylogenetic position of susisuchids and other less known gondwanan forms within or outside Eusuchia.



自从Isisfordia duncani的描述以来,许多新的灭绝物种和先前描述物种的修订版在新属的拓扑学上引发了许多相互矛盾的系统发育假说。结果,尚未达成关于将Eusuchia植根于其他新苏维埃进化论的共识,并且该组织的起源尚未确定。这个例证,伯尼斯鳄属fagesii长期以来,比利时白垩纪的人一直被认为是了解Eusuchia起源的关键分类,但是最近的假说发现它支持更基础的地位,例如,线虫类,旁突类或异位龙的盟友。由于类型标本的解剖结构的许多细节被胶水和附着在化石上的沉积物所掩盖,因此有许多特征有待确认。基于计算机断层扫描数据,我们提取颅骨和下颌骨,描述新字符并重新评估电选型标本中的解剖学细节。我们的系统发育分析证实了fagesii是一种衍生的新物种,与拟畸形虫,促性腺激素和拟直立亲缘动物无关。我们恢复法吉斯苏木科的基隆犬科(Koumpiodontosuchus aprosdokiti)以及苏西科(Susisuchidae),这是一群包含苏西科(Susisuchus)和伊西斯福德(Isisfordia)的刚体新鳄族,这里与Hylaeochampsidae形成多义性。正如最近在苏氏类动物和伯纳西氏类动物中报道的那样,由于存在这种特性,即使在家族中,翼状go肉结合的内部鼻孔的存在/不存在也不能用来完全解决新苏门人向欧苏式过渡的关系。毫无疑问,早在白垩纪的早白垩纪就有真正的欧洲人存在于欧亚大陆,即hylaeochampsid Hylaeochampsa vectiana是最古老的(巴雷米亚人)无疑的代表。但是,Eusuchia是否也存在于南部陆地中,取决于解决Eusuchia内外的susussuchids和其他鲜为人知的冈瓦南形态的系统发育位置。
